Millisecond Test Library

All psychological tests and assessments in the library can be used FREE with an Inquisit license.

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5-Trial Adjusting Delay Discounting Task - Koffarnus, Warren, and Bickel (2014)

Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS) - Hopko et al (2003)

Abstract Matrix Reasoning - Matzen et al (2010)

Activated Long-Term Memory Task - Woltz & Was (2006)

Adams Task - Adams et al (2021)

Adaptive Composite Complex Span (ACCES) - Gonthier et al (2016)

Adolescent Risk Behavior Screen (ARBS) - Jankowski et al (2007)

Adult Temperament Questionnaire - Effort Control Scale (ATQ-ECS) - Evans (2007)

Affect Misattribution Procedure (AMP) - Payne et al. (2005)

Affecting Priming Procedure - Millisecond (2015)

Affective Go/No Go Task - Chuang et al (2017)

Affective Shift Task (AST) - De Lissnyder et al (2010)

Age IAT - Nosek et al (2007).

Aggression IAT - Niazi (2011)

Alcohol Dot Probe - Miller et al (2010)

Alcohol Go/No Go Task - Amesa et al (2014)

Alcohol Go/No-Go Association Task (GNAT) - Obasi et al (2016)

Alcohol IAT - Wiers et al. (2002)

Alcohol Stroop - Bauer & Cox (1998)

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) - World Health Organization

Alternative Uses Task - Guilford (1967)

Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS) - Rosen et al (1984)

Ambivalent-sexistische Einstellungen gegenüber Männern (ASEM) - Collani & Werner (2014)

Anagram Riddle Task (ART) - Ventura et al (2013)

Anagrams Test - Novick & Sherman (2003)

Angling Risk Task - Pleskac (2008)

Antagonistic Narcissism Implicit Association Test (AN-IAT) - Heinze et al (2020)

AntiSaccade Task - Sereno & Holzman (1995)

Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI) - Reiss et al (1986)

Apples Test - Bickerton et al (2011)

Approach Avoidance Task (AAT) - Chen & Bargh (1999)

Arab-Muslim IAT - Park et al (2007)

Arrow Flanker Task - Ridderinkhof et al (1997)

Arrow Flanker Task - ABCD - ABCD Consortium (2016)

ASL Eye Trackers - Applied Science Laboratories

Attentional Blink - Raymond et al (1992)

Attentional Breadth Task - Bosmans et al (2009)

Attentional Cueing Procedure - Koster et al (2004)

Attentional Network Task (ANT) - Fan et al (2002)

Attitudes Towards Chocolate Questionnaire - Benton et al (1998)

Attitudes Towards Homosexuality Scale (AH-25) - Falomir-Pichastor & Mugny (2009)

Auditory IAT - van de Kamp (2002)

Auditory Oddball Task - Squires et al. (1975)

Auditory Selective Attention Task - Humes et al (2006)

Auditory Stroop Task - Morgan & Brandt (1989)

Auditory Verbal Learning Task (AVLT) - Hale et al (2019)

Baddeley's Grammatical Reasoning Test - (Baddeley, 1968)

Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) - Paulhus (1984)

Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) - Lejuez et al. (2002)

Balloon Popping Task - Semmelmann et al (2016)

Bandit Task - Knox et al (2012)

Barratt Impulsiveness Scale -11 (BIS-11) - Stanford et al (1995)

BeanFest - Fazio et al. (2004)

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) - Beck et al (1961)

Behavior Adaptation Task - Hester et al (2007)

Behavioral Indicator of Resiliency to Distress (BIRD) - Daughters et al (2009)

Behavioral Indicator of Resiliency to Distress Task - ABCD (BIRD) - ABCD Consortium (2016)

Behavioural Assessment Scale (BAS) - Ritchie & Ledesert (1991)

Behavioural Laterality Battery - Parker et al (2020)

Belief Updating Task - Hobbs et al (2022)

Bells Test - Gauthier et al, 1989

Blackjack - Las Vegas, NV

Bomb Risk Elicitation Task (BRET) - Crosetto & Filippin (2013)

Brand Association Reaction Time Task - Till et al (2001)

Brief IAT - Sriram & Greenwald (2009)

Brief Leiter International Performance Scale - Leiter (1936)

Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) - Smith et al (2008)

Brief Substance Craving Scale (BSCS) - Somoza et al (1995)

Buss Perry Aggression Questionnaire - Buss & Perry (1992)

CAGE Questionnaire - Mayfield et al (1974)

Cake Gambling Task - Van Leijenhorst et al (2008)

Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test - Revised (CUDIT-R) - Adamson et al (2010)

Category Switch Task - Friedman et al (2008)

Cedrus RB-Series, Lumina, StimTracker - Cedrus, Inc.

Celebrity Attitude Scale - McCutcheon et al (2002)

Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) - Hann et al (1999)

Certainty Equivalent Procedure - Tversky and Kahneman (1992)

Change Blindness - Beck & Levin (2003)

Change Detection Task - Harris et al (2020)

Child Flanker Test (with Fish) - Christ et al (2011)

Child IAT - Baron & Banaji (2006)

Children's Test of Nonword Repetition - Gathercole et al (1994)

Chimeric Face Task - Parker et al (2020)

Clinical Impairment Assessment - Bohn et al (2008)

Cognitive Failures Questionnaire - Broadbent et al (1982)

Cognitive Demand Battery (CDB) - Kennedy et al (2008)

Cognitive Drug Research Computerized Assessment System (COGDRAS) - Nicholl et al (1995)

Cognitive Effort Discounting Task (COGED) - Westbrook et al (2013)

Cognitive Flexibility Scale (CFS) - Martin & Rubin (1995)

Cognitive Flexibilty Inventory (CFI) - Dennis & Vander Wal (2010)

Cognitive Reflection Test - Frederick (2005)

Color Shape Task - Miyake et al (2004)

Color-Blindness of Racial Attitudes Scale (COBRAS) - Neville et al (2000)

Columbia Card Task - Figner et al. (2009)

Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) - Columbia Lighthouse Project

Competitive Reaction Time Task - Epstein & Taylor (1967)

Comprehensive Affect Testing System (CATS) - Froming et al (2006)

Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) - Meerkerk et al (2009)

Compumedics Neuroscan EEG Systems - Compumedics Neuroscan (1985)

Consonant Trigram Task - Peterson & Peterson (1959)

Contextual Cueing Task - Chun & Jiang (1998)

Continuous Inclusion of Other in the Self (IOS) - Le et al (2007)

Continuous Performance Test (CPT) - Rosvold et al. (1956)

Coordinate Plane Task - Geary et al (2015)

Corsi Block Tapping Task - Corsi (1972)

Counting Span Task - Case et al (1982)

Cross Modal Priming - Holcomb & Anderson (1993)

Cued Recall Procedure - Tolan & Tehan (1999)

Cyberball - Williams et al. (2000)

Daily Sleep Diary - Morgen et al (2007)

Death/Suicide IAT - Nock & Banaji (2010)

Decision Balance Matrix - DiClemente et al (1985)

Decision Board Analysis Task - Mustafa et al (2012)

Decision Games - Brocklebank et al (2011)

Decisional Forgiveness Scale (DFS) - Worthington (2012)

Deck Choice Effort Task - Reddy et al (2018)

Deese-Roediger-McDermott False Memory Procedure (DRM) - Deese (1959)

Delay Discounting Task - Cherek et al. (1997), Richards et al. (1999)

Delay Discounting Task - ABCD - ABCD Consortium (2016)

Delayed Matching to Sample Task (DMTS) - Paule et al (1998)

Demand Selection Task - Kool et al (2010)

Demographic Survey - Millisecond

Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) - Lovibond & Lovibond (1995)

Depression IAT - Meites et al (2009)

Detection Test - Maruff et al (2009)

Dichotic Listening Task - Studdert-Kennedy & Shankweiler (1970)

Dictator Game - Brocklebank et al (2011)

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) - Gratz & Roemer (2004)

Digit Span - Lumiley & Calhoon (1934)

Digit Symbol Substitution Test - Thorndike (1919)

Digital Food Dispenser - van Koningsbruggen et al (2014)

Dimensional Change Card Sort (DCCS) - Zelazo (2006)

Director Task - Dumontheil et al (2010)

Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) - Bernstein & Putnam (1986)

Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS) - Simons & Gaher (2005)

Do You Remember (Husker Du) Game - Millisecond (2016)

Door Opening Task - Matthys et al (1998)

Dot Estimation Task - Shrauger (1975)

Dot Memory Task - Sliwinski et al (2018

Dot Probe Task - MacLeod et al (2007)

Dots Task - Davidson et al (2006)

Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) - Skinner, H.A. (1982)

Dynamically Adjusted Motion Prediction Task (DAMP) - Ullsperger & Crampon (2003)

Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) - Garner et al (1982)

Edinburgh Handedness Inventory - Oldfield (1971)

Effort Discounting Task - Botvinick et al (2009)

Effort Expenditure for Reward Task - Treadway et al (2009)

Emotional Face N-Back Task (EFNBACK) - Ladouceur et al (2009)

Emotional Go / No-Go Task - Tottenham et al (2010)

Emotional Memory Task - Mo et al (2021)

Emotional Stroop Task - Smith & Waterman (2003)

Emotional Stroop Task - ABCD - ABCD Consortium (2016)

English Learning IAT (EL IAT) - Harrison & Lakin (2018)

Epworth Sleepiness Scale - Johns (1991)

Error Awareness Task - Hester et al (2007)

Evaluative Conditioning Task - Olson & Fazio (2001)

Evaluative Movement Assessment (EMA) - Brendl et al (2005)

Evaluative Priming Task - Fazio et al (1995)

Experiential Discounting Task - Reynolds & Shiffbauer (2004)

Explicit Sexual Interest Questionnaire (ESIQ) - Banse, et al (2010)

Extrinsic Affective Simon Task (EAST) - De Houwer (2003)

Eye Dominance Test - Miles (1929)

Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Eysenck et al (1985)

Face in the Crowd Task - Hansen & Hansen (1988)

Face Name Associative Memory Exam - Rentz et al (2011)

Facial Displays of Emotion - Beaupre & Hess (2005)

Fagerström Test of Nicotine Dependence (FTND) - Heatherton et al (1991)

Famous Faces Test - Gefen et al (2013)

Faux Pas Test (FPT) - Stone et al (1998)

Finger Drumming Task - Parker et al (2020)

Finger Tapping Test - Reitan & Wolfson (1985)

Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) - Baer et al (2006)

Five Factor Model Rating Form - Mullins-Sweatt et al (2006)

Flanker Squared - Burgoyne et al (2023)

Flanker Task - Eriksen & Eriksen (1974)

Flicker Paradigm for Change Blindness - Rensink et al (1997)

Flow State - Jackson & Marsh (1996)

Food Craving Questionnaire (FCQ-T) - Cepeda-Benito et al (2000)

Food Go/No-Go Task (Food GNAT) - Teslovich et al (2014)

Food Stroop - Davidson & Wright (2002)

Forbidden Fruit Task - FitzGibbon et al (2020)

Four Choice Reaction Time Task - Armstrong et al (2012)

Framing Effect - Tversky & Kahneman (1981)

Fruit Stroop - Okuzumi et al, 2015

Future Self Identification Scale (FSIS) - Bixter et al (2020)

Game of Chicken - Rapaport & Chammah (1966)

Game of Dice Task - Brand et al. (2002)

Game of Dice Task - ABCD - ABCD Consortium (2016)

Garner Interference Task - Ridderinkhof et at (1997)

Gender-Career IAT - Nosek et al (2002)

Gender-Science IAT - Nosek et al (2002)

General Family Functioning Subscale - Epstein et al (1983)

General Knowledge Task - Redick et al (2012).

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) - Kroenke et al (2001)

Global Local Task - Navon (1977)

Go/No-Go Association Task (GNAT) - Nosek & Banaji (2001)

Go/No-Go Task - Fillmore et al. (2006)

Grading Chronic Pain Severity - Revised (GCPS-R) - Von Korff et al (2020)

Grammatical Acceptability Judgment Task - Chomsky (1965)

Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6) - McCullough et al (2002)

Groton Maze Test - Schroder et al (2004)

Guilty/Not Guilty Racism IAT - Levinson et al (2010)

Headphone Check - Woods et al (2017)

Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS) - Thompson et al (2005)

Hearts and Flowers Task - Davidson et al (2006)

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) - Zigmond & Snaith (1983)

Hungry Donkey Task - Crone & van der Molen (2004)

Hyperfemininity Scale - Murnen & Byrne (1991)

Hypothetical Purchase Task Questionnaire (HPT) - Roma et al (2016)

Identification Test - Maruff et al (2009)

Immediate and Delayed Memory Test (IMTDMT) - Dougherty (1999)

Immune Status Questionnaire (ISQ) - Versprille et al (2019)

Implicit Association Test (IAT) - Greenwald et al. (1998)

Implicit Association Test Template Scripts (IAT) - Greenwald et al. (1998)

Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT) - Quirin et al (2009)

Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) - Barnes-Holmes et al (2006)

Inattentional Blindness Task - Most et al. (2001)

Inhibition of Return (IOR) - Posner (1985)

Insomnia Severity Index - Bastien et al (2001)

Inspection Time Task - Dreary et al (2004)

Internal Shift Task (IST) - Koster et al (2013)

Internal vs. External Attention Task - Mansell et al (2003)

International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) - Booth (2000)

International Shopping List Task (ISLT) - Thompson et al (2011)

Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) - Davis (1979)

Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) - Bechara (1994)

Iowa Sleep Experiences Scale (ISES) - Watson (2001)

Judgment of Line and Position Task (JLAP) - Collaer et al (2007)

Jumping To Conclusions (JTC) Beads Task - Phillips & Edwards (1966)

Karpicke & Roediger Learning Task - Karpicke & Roediger (2008)

Keep Track Task - Friedman et al (2008)

Kessler Psychological Distress Scale - Kessler et al (2003)

Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) - Bennett (2001)

Leeds Food Preference Questionnaire (LFPQ) - Finlayson et al (2008)

Letter Cancellation Task - Pahor et al (2022)

Letter Memory Task - Miyake & Friedman (2012)

Letter Wheel Task - Burgoyne et al (2019)

Levenson's Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP) - Levenson et al (1995)

Lexical Decision Task - Lepore & Brown (2002)

LexTALE - Lemhöfer & Broersma (2012)

Line Bisection Task - Nash et al (2010)

Line Counting Task - Passamonti (2017)

Linquisitic Selection Task - Spivey et al (2005)

List Learning Task - Ivnik et al (1990)

List of Threatening Experiences Questionnaire (LTE) - Brugha & Cragg (1990)

Listening Span Task (LSPAN) - Daneman & Carpenter (1980)

Little Man Test - ABCD - ABCD Consortium (2016)

Locus of Control Scale - Rotter (1966)

Luchins Water Jug Task - Luchins & Luchins (1950)

Mackworth Clock Vigilance Test - Mackworth (1948)

Magic Cups Task - Rahman et al (2021)

Manikin Task - DeHouwer et al (2001)

Manikin Test of Spatial Orientation and Transformation - Englund et al (1987)

Mask Attitude Survey for Covid-19 (MASC) - Wickline, V.B. (2020)

Math Anxiety Scale for Teachers (MAST) - Ganley et al (2019)

Math Effort Task (MET) - Engle-Friedman et al (2003)

Mathematical Processing - Turner et al (1986)

Me/Not Me Reaction Time Task - Aaron et al (1991)

Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Sleep Scale - Spritzer & Hays (2003)

Mediterranean Diet Assessment (MEDAS) - Martínez-González (2012)

Mental Arithmetic Task - Kahneman et al (1965)

Mental Folding Test for Children (MFTC) - Harris, Hirsh-Pasek, & Newcombe (2013)

Mental Rotation - Shepard & Metzler (1971)

Metacognitions Questionnaire-30 (MCQ-30) - Wells & Cartwright-Hatton (2004)

Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) - Selzer, M.L. (1971)

Millisecond Box Task - Kessels & Postma (2018)

Millisecond Gambling Task - Rogers et al (1999)

Millisecond Letter Number Sequencing Test - Psychological Corporation (1997)

Millisecond Naming Test - Nicholas et al (1988)

Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) - Brown & Ryan (2003)

Mindfulness Process Questionnaire - Erisman & Roemer (2012)

Mini IPIP (MiniIPIP) - Donnellan et al (2006)

Mirror Tracing Persistence Task - Brown et al (2019)

Mirror Tracing Task - Starch (1910)

Missing Scan Task - Buschke (1963)

Mnemonic Similarity Task (MST) - Stark et al (2013)

Modified Camel and Cactus Test (MCCT) - Moore et al (2022)

Monetary Incentive Delay Task - Knutson et al (2000)

Money Food Delay Discounting Task - Odum et al (2006)

Montreal Imaging Stress Task - Dedovic et al (2005)

Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Questionnaire -d30 (MASQ-D30) - Wardenaar et al (2010)

Motor Praxis Test (MPT) - Taylor et al (2019)

Mr Peanut Test - Morra (1994)

Multi Source Interference Task (MSIT) - Bush et al (2003)

Multidemensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA) - Mehling et al (2012)

Multifactor IAT - Sriram & Greenwald (2009)

Multi-Step Decision-Making Task (MSDM) - Faulkner et al (2021)

Nasa Motor Tasks - Beard et al (2019)

NASA Task Load Index (NASATLX) - Hart & Staveland (1988)

N-Back Task - Jaeggi et al (2010)

Need for Cognition Scale - Cacioppo & Petty (1982)

Negative Priming - Joormann & Gotlib (2010)

Negotiation Task - De Dreu & Van Kleef (2004)

Neuropathy Pain Scale (NPS) - Galer et al (1997)

New 16PF (new16PF) - Cattell, R.B. Eber, H.W. and Tatsuoka, M.M. (1970)

Nine-Hole Peg Test - Earhart et al (2011)

Number Bisection Task - Nuerk et al (2002)

Number Letter Task - Miyake et al (2000)

Number Series Task - Redick et al (2012)

Number Vigilance Test - Nicholl et al (1995)

One Card Learning Test - White et al (2021)

Operation Span Task (OSPAN) - Turner & Engle (1989)

Optical Illusions - Bednarek et al (2024).

Optimized Mnemonic Similarity Task (omst) - Stark et al (2023)

Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) - Gronwall (1977)

Paced Motor Timing Task - Wittman et al (2007)

Paired Associates Learning Test - Wechsler Memory Scale, Fourth Edition (Wechsler, 2009)

Palatable Eating Motives Scale (PEMS) (PEMS) - Burgess et al (2014)

Parafoveal Priming - Chartrand & Bargh (1996)

Parametric Go/No-Go Test (PGNG) - Langenecker et al (2007)

Part Whole Recognition Task - Tanak & Farah (1993)

Partial Report Procedure - Sperling (1960)

Partner Go/No-Go Association Task (P-GNAT) - Lee, Rogge & Reis (2010)

PASAT-C - Lejuez et al (2003)

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) - Kroenke et al (2001)

Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) - Cohen et al (1983)

Perceptual Vigilance Task - Wilkinson & Houghton (1982)

Permuted Rules Operation Task (PRO) - Cole et al (2018)

Picture Story Exercise - Schultheiss & Pang (2008)

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) - Buysse et al. (1989

Pizza Game - Keil et al (2017)

Poffenberger Paradigm - Berlucchi et al (1971)

Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP) - Cherek et al (1997)

Pokemon Go No/Go Test - Durston et al (2002)

Police Officer's Dilemma Task - Correll et al (2002)

Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ) - McCreary et al (2006)

Positive/Negative God Association Task (PNG-GNAT) - Pirutinsky et al (2017)

Posner Cueing Task - Posner (1980)

Predictable Task Switching Task - Rogers & Monsell (1995)

Preference Ranking Task for the Touchscreen - Meidenbauer et al (2019)

Prisoner's Dilemma Task - Ellet et al (2013)

Probabilistic Reversal Learning Task - Cools et al (2002)

Probabilistic Reward Task - Tripp & Alsop (1999)

Probabilistic Selection Task - Frank et al (2004)

Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ) - Demetrovics, Szeredi, & Rózsa (2008)

Process Dissociation Procedure - Jacoby (1991)

Production Effect - MacLeod et al (2010)

Progressive Ratio Task - Hodos (1961)

Prospective Memory Task - Cheng et al (2013)

Psychological Refractory Period Task - Marczinski & Fillmore (2006)

Psychomotor Vigilance Test - Thomann et al (2014)

Psychophysical Methods for Measuring Difference Thresholds - Fechner (1860)

PTSD Checklist Civilian Version (PCL-C) - National Center for PTSD - Behavioral Science Division

Pursuit Rotor Task - Adams (1952)

Quick Delay Questionnaire (QDQ) - Clare et al (2010)

Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS SR-16) - Rush et al (2003)

Racism IAT - Greenwald et al (1998)

RAND 36 - Item Health Survey 1.0 - Ware & Sherbourne (1992)

Random Dot Kinematogram Task (RDK) - Braddick, O. J. (1974)

Rapid Reaching Task - Dekker & Nardini (2016)

Rapid Visual Information Processing (RVIP) - Wesnes et al (1983)

Reaction Time Concealed Information Test (RT-CIT) - Suchotzki et al (2021)

Reaction Time Task Battery for the Touchscreen - Kochan et al (2013)

Reading Span Task (RSPAN) - Daneman & Carpenter (1980)

Reading the Mind in Films Task (RMF) - Golan et al (2006)

Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test - Revised - Baron-Cohen et al (2001)

Recent Probes Task - Jonides & Nee ( 2006)

Recoding-Free Implicit Association Test (IAT-RF) - Rothermund et al. (2009)

Redundant Signal Task - Fillmore (2010)

Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ-8) - Fonagy et al (2016)

Reflexive Imagery Task (RIT) - Allen et al (2013)

Regulatory Focus - Higgins et al (1997)

Remote Associates Test (RAT) - Mednick & Mednick (1962)

Response Game - Brocklebank et al (2011)

Reverse Correlation Task - Brinkman et al (2017)

Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2) - Straus et al (1996)

Rey Visual Design Learning Test - Wilhelm (2004)

Risky Gains Task - Paulus et al (2003)

Road Sign Reaction Time Test - Edwards et al (2006)

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale - Rosenberg (1965)

RT-18 Risk Taking Questionnaire (RT18) - de Haan et al (2011)

Ruminative Responses Scale (RRS) - Treynor et al (2003) (200

Running Span Task - Broadway & Engle (2010)

Santa Barbara Sense of Direction Scale (SBSOD) - Hegarty et al (2002)

Santa Barbara Solids Test - Cohen & Hagarty (2012)

Scale for Suicide Ideation (SSI) - Beck et al (1979)

Schedule of Racist Events (SRE) - Landrine & Klonoff (1996)

Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) - Schutte et al (1998)

Scrambled Sentences Task - Hedlund & Rude (1995)

Screen for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (SPTSS) - Carlson (2001)

Script Downloads for Inquisit Tutorials - Millisecond

Self Assessment Manikin (SAM) - Bradley & Lang (1994)

Self Other Performance Task - Button et al (2012)

Self Referential Processing Task - Sui et al (2012)

Self-Esteem Conditioning Task - Baccus, Baldwin, & Packer (2004)

Self-Esteem Go/No-Go Association Task (GNAT) - Gregg & Sedikides (2010)

Self-Esteem IAT - Greenwald & Farnham (2000)

Self-Esteem Matrix Task - Dandeneau & Baldwin (2004)

Self-Harm IAT - Nock & Banaji (2007)

Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview (SITBI) - Nock et al (2007)

Self-Injury IAT - Nock & Banaji (2007)

Self-Ordered Pointing Task - Petrides & Milner (1982)

Self-Paced Reading Task - Just, Carpenter & Woolley (1982)

Sensation Seeking Scale - Zuckerman et al (1964)

Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (SPSRQ) - Torrubia et al (2001)

Sentence Completion Task - Raes et al (2007)

Sentence Verification Task - Shtulman & Valcarcel (2012)

Serial Probe Recognition Task - Sands & Wright (1980)

Serial Reaction Time Task - Nissen & Bullemer (1987)

Serial Sevens (Serial Threes) Task - Hayman (1942)

Sex Role Orientation Scale (SRO) - Brogan & Kutner (1976)

Sexism Go/No-Go Association Task (GNAT) - Britzman & Mehić-Parker (2023)

Shipley Test - Shipley, W.C. (1940)

Short Dark Triad Personality Test (SD3) - Jones & Paulhus (2013)

Short Term Memory Binding Test (STMB) - Brockmole et al (2008)

Significant Other Sequential Priming Paradigm - Zayas & Shoda (2015)

Simon Squared - Burgoyne et al (2023)

Simon Task - Simon and Wolf (1963)

Simple Reaction Time Task - Bliss (1893)

Single Category IAT (SC-IAT) - Karpinski & Steinman (2006)

Single Target IAT (ST-IAT) - Wigboldus, Holland & van Knippenberg (2006)

Skin Tone IAT - Greenwald et al (1998)

Sleep Wake Activity Inventory - Rosenthal et al (1993)

Smoking IAT - Kahler et al (2007)

Snaith Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHAPS) - Snaith et al (1995)

Social Desirability Scale - Crowne & Marlowe (1960)

Social Evaluation Learning Task - Button et al (2015)

Social Media Disorder Scale (SMD) - Van den Eijnden et al (2016

Sorting Paired Features Task - Bar-Anan, Nosek, & Vianello (2009)

Spatial Delayed Response Task (SDRT) - Hershey, Craft, Glauser, & Hale (1998)

Spatial Processing Task - Englund et al (1987)

Spatial Reconstruction Task - Watson et al (2013)

Spatial Relations Task - Salthouse (2006)

Split Visual Field - Patel & Hellige (2007).

Squared Tasks - Burgoyne et al (2023)

SR Research EyeLink Eye Tracking Samples - SR Research

Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale (Version 8) - Miller & Tonigan (1996)

Stereotype Activation Task - Moskowitz & Li (2011)

Sternberg Memory Task - Sternberg (1966)

Stop Signal Task (SST) - Verbruggen et al (2008)

Stroop Squared - Burgoyne et al (2023)

Stroop Task - Stroop (1935)

Subliminal Priming Task - Draine & Greenwald (1998)

Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R) - Osman et al (2001)

Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART) - Robertson et al (1997)

Symbol Counter Task - Garavan (1998)

Symbol Search - Millisecond (2017)

Symmetry Span Task (SymmSpan) - Kane et al. (2004)

Synergize Task - Erez et al (2015)

Synonym Antonym Task - Salthouse et al (2003)

Tangrams Puzzle Task - Millisecond (2016)

Tendency To Forgive Scale (TTF) - Brown (2003)

Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) - Gosling et al (2003)

Test of Variables of Attention - Greenberg (1991)

The Reward Based Eating Drive (RED) Scale (RED) - Epel et al (2014)

The Self-Assessment Anhedonia Scale (SAAS) (SAAS) - Olivares et al (2005)

Think/No Think Task - Anderson & Green (2001)

Time Estimation Tasks - Wittman et al. 2007

Time Perception Bias Test - Moskowitz et al (2015)

Time Wall Estimation Task - Englund et al (1987)

Timed Chase Test - Schroder et al (2004)

Timed Likert Scale - Ferrando & Lorenzo-Seva (2008)

Timeline Followback - Sobell & Sobell (1992)

Tobii Eyetracker Samples - Tobii

Token Test - DeRenzi & Vignolo (1962)

Tower of Hanoi Test - Humes et al (1997)

Tower of London Task - Shallice (1982)

Trail Making Test - Reitan (1955)

Transgender IAT - Wang-Jones et al (2017)

Transitive Inference Task - Frank et al (2004)

Trier Mental Challenge Test (TMCT) - Kirshbaum et al (1991)

Trust Game - Berg et al (1995)

Two-Step Decision Task - Decker et al (2016)

Überball - Simard & Dandeneau (2018)

Ultimatum Game - Harle & Sanfey (2010)

Unconscious Reward Task - Bijleveld et al (2010)

Unexpected Solutions Task - Kondé et al (2023)

UNRAVEL Task - Altman et al (2014)

Unsolvable Anagrams Task - Feather & Simon (1971)

UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale (UPPS) - Whiteside & Lynam (2001)

Useful Field of View Test (UFOV) - Ball et al (1988)

Verbal Selective Reminding Task - Buschke (1973)

Visual Approach/Avoidance by the Self Task (VAAST) - Aubé et al (2019)

Visual Memory Game - Isola et al (2014)

Visual Scanning Task - Englund et al (1987)

Visual Search Task - Becker (2009)

Visual Statistical Learning Task (VSL) - Turk-Browne et al (2005)

Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire (VVIQ) - Marks, D.F. (1973)

Wason Rule Discovery Test - Wason (1960)

Weapons ID Task - Payne (2001)

Weapons Racism IAT - Greenwald et al (1998)

Weather Prediction Test - Knowlton et al (1994)

Weight IAT - Schwartz et al (2003)

Weight Loss Self-Efficacy Scale (WLSE) - Wilson et al (2016)

Whack-A-Mole Test - Casey (2021)

White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI) - Wegner & Zanakos (1994)

White Bear Suppression Procedure - Wegner et al. (1987)

Willingness to Forgive Scale (WTF) - DeShea (2003)

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) - Grant & Berg (1948)

Wolf and Sheep Task - Lisøy, R.S. (2018)

Word Fluency Test - Borkowski et al (1966)

Work Environmental Protection Task (WEPT) - Lange & DeWitte (2022)

World Health Organization Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale 1.1 (ASRS) - World Health Organization

World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) - World Health Organization

World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL-BREF) - World Health Organization

World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5) - World Health Organization

Wundt Clock Paradigm - Haggard et al (2002)

Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS) - Gearhardt et al. (2009)

Yoni Test - Shamay-Tsoory & Aharon-Peretz (2007)

Youth Behavior Risk Survey - Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2015)

Zoo Task - Patel et al (2021)