Visual Statistical Learning Task (VSL)
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Visual Statistical Learning (Fisher & Aslin)
An implementation of the visual statistical learning task involving sequences of shapes as described in Fiser and Aslin (2002)
Visual Statistical Learning (Turk-Browne)
An implementation of the visual statistical learning task involving sequences of shapes as described in Turk-Browne et al (2005)

Fiser, J., & Aslin, R.N. (2002). Statistical learning of higher-order temporal structure from visual shape sequences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 28, 458-467.
Kirkham,N.Z., Slemmer, J.A., Johnson, S.P. (2002) Visual statistical learning in infancy: evidence for a doman general learning mechanism. Cognition, 83, B35-B42
Baker, C.I., Olson, C.R., Behrmann, M. (2004). Role of attention and perceptual grouping in visual statistical learning. Psychological Science, 15, 460-466.
Turk-Browne, N.B., Junge, J.A., Scholl, B.J. (2005). The automaticity of visual statistical learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 134, 552-564.
Abla, D. & Okanoya, K. (2009). Visual statistical learning of shape sequences: An ERP study. Neuroscience Research, 64, 185-190.
Kim, R., Seitz, A., Feenstra, H., Shams, L. (2009). Testing assumptions of statistical learning: Is it long-term and implicit? Neuroscience Letters, 461, 145-149.
Bulf, H., Johnson, S.P., Valenza, E. (2011). Visual statistical learning in the newborn infant. Cognition, 121, 127-132.