Allow students to run real psychological experiments online for honors seminars and methodology classes.
Replicate classic experiments or test novel hypotheses.
Run your tests on iOS and Android phones and tablets. Inquisit Web automatically adapts the user interface to the device.
Send out a link to your experiment. Data are saved in Excel format to your Millisecond account.
Each Inquisit EDU license enables you to create user accounts for up to the stated maximum number of students. The license entitles each student to collect data for the duration of a single term up to 4 months. Students have access to only their own tests and data. Course instructors have administrative access to all student projects. Tests and data are hosted on the Millisecond server until the license expires. See Inquisit EDU licensing agreement.
Inquisit EDU licenses are restricted to research projects by undergraduate or high school students. Use for post-graduate or faculty research violates the terms of the Inquisit EDU license.
Use our online order form to get a quote or invoice, submit a purchase order, or pay by credit card
Email: sales@millisecond.comPhone/Fax: 1-800-789-9710
Software Delivery. Inquisit is delivered by email. Please include the end user address with purchase orders.
Payment Methods. We accept credit cards, bank transfers, and USD checks.
Resellers. Order through your preferred reseller or through one of our partners.
Millisecond W-9. Our W-9 can be downloaded here.