Food Stroop
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Food Stroop (Keyboard)
The Food Stroop Task for measuring interference of food-related words on the peformance of a Stroop task. Thanks to Dr. Elissa Epel and Nana Lea O’Donnell at UCSF for providing the stimuli and guidance on this procedure. This version uses keyboard responding.
Food Stroop (Verbal)
The Food Stroop Task for measuring interference of food-related words on the peformance of a Stroop task. Thanks to Dr. Elissa Epel and Nana Lea O’Donnell at UCSF for providing the stimuli and guidance on this procedure. This version uses verbal responding.
Davidson, E.J., Wright, P. (2002) Selective processing of weight- and shape-related words in bulimia nervosa: Use of a computerised Stroop test. Eating Behaviors, 3, 261-273.
Dobson, K.S., Dozois, D.J.A. (2004). Attentional biases in eating disorders: A meta-analytic review of Stroop performance. Clinical Psychology Review, 23, 1001-1022.
Johansson, L., Ghaderi, A., Andersson, G. (2005). Stroop interference for food- and body-related words: a meta-analysis. Eating Behaviors, 6, 271-281.
Nijs, I.M.T., Franken, I.H.A., Muris, P. (2010). Food-related Stroop interference in obese and normal-weight individuals: Behavioral and electrophysiological indices. Eating Behaviors, In Press.