Millisecond Test Library: Implicit/Unconscious Cognition

All psychological tests and assessments in the library can be used FREE with an Inquisit license.

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Affect Misattribution Procedure (AMP) - Payne et al. (2005)

Affective Go/No Go Task - Chuang et al (2017)

Age IAT - Nosek et al (2007).

Aggression IAT - Niazi (2011)

Alcohol Dot Probe - Miller et al (2010)

Alcohol IAT - Wiers et al. (2002)

Alcohol Stroop - Bauer & Cox (1998)

Antagonistic Narcissism Implicit Association Test (AN-IAT) - Heinze et al (2020)

Approach Avoidance Task (AAT) - Chen & Bargh (1999)

Arab-Muslim IAT - Park et al (2007)

Auditory IAT - van de Kamp (2002)

Brand Association Reaction Time Task - Till et al (2001)

Brief IAT - Sriram & Greenwald (2009)

Child IAT - Baron & Banaji (2006)

Death/Suicide IAT - Nock & Banaji (2010)

Depression IAT - Meites et al (2009)

Emotional Face N-Back Task (EFNBACK) - Ladouceur et al (2009)

Emotional Go / No-Go Task - Tottenham et al (2010)

Emotional Stroop Task - Smith & Waterman (2003)

Emotional Stroop Task - ABCD - ABCD Consortium (2016)

Evaluative Movement Assessment (EMA) - Brendl et al (2005)

Evaluative Priming Task - Fazio et al (1995)

Extrinsic Affective Simon Task (EAST) - De Houwer (2003)

Food Stroop - Davidson & Wright (2002)

Go/No-Go Association Task (GNAT) - Nosek & Banaji (2001)

Implicit Association Test (IAT) - Greenwald et al. (1998)

Implicit Association Test Template Scripts (IAT) - Greenwald et al. (1998)

Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT) - Quirin et al (2009)

Multifactor IAT - Sriram & Greenwald (2009)

Negative Priming - Joormann & Gotlib (2010)

Partner Go/No-Go Association Task (P-GNAT) - Lee, Rogge & Reis (2010)

Picture Story Exercise - Schultheiss & Pang (2008)

Police Officer's Dilemma Task - Correll et al (2002)

Probabilistic Reward Task - Tripp & Alsop (1999)

Process Dissociation Procedure - Jacoby (1991)

Reaction Time Concealed Information Test (RT-CIT) - Suchotzki et al (2021)

Recoding-Free Implicit Association Test (IAT-RF) - Rothermund et al. (2009)

Reflexive Imagery Task (RIT) - Allen et al (2013)

Reverse Correlation Task - Brinkman et al (2017)

Scrambled Sentences Task - Hedlund & Rude (1995)

Self-Esteem Conditioning Task - Baccus, Baldwin, & Packer (2004)

Self-Esteem IAT - Greenwald & Farnham (2000)

Self-Harm IAT - Nock & Banaji (2007)

Self-Injury IAT - Nock & Banaji (2007)

Serial Reaction Time Task - Nissen & Bullemer (1987)

Significant Other Sequential Priming Paradigm - Zayas & Shoda (2015)

Single Category IAT (SC-IAT) - Karpinski & Steinman (2006)

Single Target IAT (ST-IAT) - Wigboldus, Holland & van Knippenberg (2006)

Smoking IAT - Kahler et al (2007)

Sorting Paired Features Task - Bar-Anan, Nosek, & Vianello (2009)

Subliminal Priming Task - Draine & Greenwald (1998)

Time Perception Bias Test - Moskowitz et al (2015)

Transgender IAT - Wang-Jones et al (2017)

Unconscious Reward Task - Bijleveld et al (2010)

Visual Approach/Avoidance by the Self Task (VAAST) - Aubé et al (2019)

Weapons ID Task - Payne (2001)

Weather Prediction Test - Knowlton et al (1994)