Alcohol IAT
FREE for use with an Inquisit Lab or Inquisit Web license.Available Test Forms
Arousal Alcohol IAT
An Alcohol IAT template that measures implicit associates between alcohol and arousal as developed by Wiers et al 2002.
Duration: 5.5 minutes
Valence Alcohol IAT
An Alcohol IAT template that measures negative or positive implicit associates with alcohol as developed by Wiers et al 2002.
Duration: 5.5 minutes
Search Google Scholar for peer-reviewed, published research using the Inquisit Alcohol IAT.
Wiers, R.W., van Woerden, N., Smulders, F.T., de Jong, P.J. (2002). Implicit and explicit alcohol-related cognitions in heavy and light drinkers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 111, 648-658.
De Houwer, J., Crombez, G., Kostner, E. H. W., De Beul, N. (2004). Implicit alcohol-related cognitions in a clinical sample of heavy drinkers, 35, 275-286.
Wiers, R.W., van de Luitgaarden, J., van den Wildenberg, E., Smulders, F.T. (2005). Challenging implicit and explicit alcohol-related cognitions in young heavy drinkers. Addiction, 100, 806–819.