Alcohol Go/No Go Task
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Alcohol Go/No Go
A task measuring performance on a Go/No Go task involving alcohol-related stimuli as described by Amesa et al (2014).

Kreusch, Vilenne, & Quertemont. (2013). Response inhibition toward alcohol-related cues using an alcohol go/no-go task in problem and non-problem drinkers. Addictive Behaviors, 38(10), 2520-2528.
Kreusch, Quertemont, Vilenne, & Hansenne. (2014). Alcohol abuse and ERP components in Go/No-go tasks using alcohol-related stimuli: Impact of alcohol avoidance. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 94(1), 92-99.
Amesa, S.L., Wong, S.W., Bechara, A., Cappelli, C., Dust, M., Grenard, J.L., & Alan W. Stacy, A.W. (2014). Neural correlates of a Go/NoGo task with alcohol stimuli in light and heavy young drinkers. Behavioural Brain Research, 274, 382–389.
Czapla, M., Baeuchl, C., Simon, J., Richter, J., Kluge, B., Friederich, M., . . . Loeber, S. (2017). Do alcohol-dependent patients show different neural activation during response inhibition than healthy controls in an alcohol-related fMRI go/no-go-task? Psychopharmacology, 234(6), 1001-1015.