Groton Maze Test
FREE for use with an Inquisit Lab or Inquisit Web license.Available Test Forms
Groton Maze Test
This script implements a version of the Groton Maze Test, a measure of immediate- and short-term visuospatial memory as described in Schroder et al (2004).
Timed Chase Test
This script implements the Timed Chase Test (TCT), a simple test of visuomotor processing speed- as described in Schroder et al (2004).

Schroder, M.D, Snyder, P.J, Sielski, I. & Mayes, L. (2004). Impaired performance of children exposed in utero to cocaine on a novel test of visuospatial working memory. Brain and Cognition, 55, 409–412.
Pietrzak, R. H., Cohen, H., & Snyder, P. J. (2007). Learning efficiency and error monitoring in normal aging: An investigation using a novel hidden maze learning test. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 22, 235–245.
Mathewson, K.J., Dywan, J., Snyder, P.J., Tays, W.J., & Segalowitz, S.J.(2008). Aging and electrocortical response to error feedback during a spatial learning task. Psychophysiology, 45, 936–948.