Millisecond Test Library: Spatial Processing & Memory

All psychological tests and assessments in the library can be used FREE with an Inquisit license.

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Adaptive Composite Complex Span (ACCES) - Gonthier et al (2016)

Change Detection Task - Harris et al (2020)

Coordinate Plane Task - Geary et al (2015)

Corsi Block Tapping Task - Corsi (1972)

Do You Remember (Husker Du) Game - Millisecond (2016)

Dot Memory Task - Sliwinski et al (2018

Dynamically Adjusted Motion Prediction Task (DAMP) - Ullsperger & Crampon (2003)

Groton Maze Test - Schroder et al (2004)

Judgment of Line and Position Task (JLAP) - Collaer et al (2007)

Letter Wheel Task - Burgoyne et al (2019)

Little Man Test - ABCD - ABCD Consortium (2016)

Manikin Test of Spatial Orientation and Transformation - Englund et al (1987)

Mental Folding Test for Children (MFTC) - Harris, Hirsh-Pasek, & Newcombe (2013)

Mental Rotation - Shepard & Metzler (1971)

Mirror Tracing Persistence Task - Brown et al (2019)

Mr Peanut Test - Morra (1994)

Paired Associates Learning Test - Wechsler Memory Scale, Fourth Edition (Wechsler, 2009)

Posner Cueing Task - Posner (1980)

Road Sign Reaction Time Test - Edwards et al (2006)

Santa Barbara Sense of Direction Scale (SBSOD) - Hegarty et al (2002)

Santa Barbara Solids Test - Cohen & Hagarty (2012)

Short Term Memory Binding Test (STMB) - Brockmole et al (2008)

Spatial Delayed Response Task (SDRT) - Hershey, Craft, Glauser, & Hale (1998)

Spatial Processing Task - Englund et al (1987)

Spatial Reconstruction Task - Watson et al (2013)

Spatial Relations Task - Salthouse (2006)

Tangrams Puzzle Task - Millisecond (2016)

Tower of Hanoi Test - Humes et al (1997)

Tower of London Task - Shallice (1982)

Trail Making Test - Reitan (1955)

Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire (VVIQ) - Marks, D.F. (1973)