Tangrams Puzzle Task
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Tangrams Puzzle Task
The Tangrams game in which participants must construct a complex shape by combining a set of simple shapes.
Bohning, Gerry, & Althouse, Jody Kosack. (1997). Using Tangrams To Teach Geometry to Young Children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 24(4), 239-42.
Moyer, Patricia S., & Bolyard, Johnna J. (2003). Classify and Capture: Using Venn Diagrams and Tangrams To Develop Abilities in Mathematical Reasoning and Proof. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 8(6), 325-30.
Lee, Joohi, Lee, Joo Ok, & Collins, Denise. (2009). Enhancing Children's Spatial Sense Using Tangrams. Childhood Education, 86(2), 92-94.
Duff, M., Warren, D., Gupta, R., Vidal, J., Tranel, D., & Cohen, N. (2012). Teasing apart tangrams: Testing hippocampal pattern separation with a collaborative referencing paradigm. Hippocampus, 22(5), 1087-1091.