Tower of Hanoi Test
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Tower of Hanoi
Millisecond's computerized Tower of Hanoi Task (TOH), a disk transfer task with 3 equally sized pegs, as described by Humes et al (1997). The TOH is considered a test of executive functioning with a focus on planning abilities.

Humes, G. E., Welsh, M. C., Retzlaff, P., & Cookson, N. (1997). Towers of Hanoi and London: Reliability and Validity of Two Executive Function Tasks. Assessment (Odessa, Fla.), 4(3), 249–257.
Miyake, A., Friedman, N. P., Emerson, M. J., Witzki, A. H., Howerter, A., & Wager, T. D. (2000). The Unity and Diversity of Executive Functions and Their Contributions to Complex “Frontal Lobe” Tasks: A Latent Variable Analysis. Cognitive Psychology, 41(1), 49–100.
Robinson, S. J., & Brewer, G. (2016). Performance on the traditional and the touch screen, tablet versions of the Corsi Block and the Tower of Hanoi tasks. Computers in Human Behavior, 60, 29–34.