Auditory Verbal Learning Task (AVLT)

Alternate Names: Modified Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (ModRey)

FREE for use with an Inquisit Lab or Inquisit Web license.

Available Test Forms

Auditory Verbal Learning Task (Verbal Recall)

A test of verbal recall in which participants are verbally presented a list of words and must verbally recall as many as they can.
Duration: 10 minutes
(Requires Inquisit Lab)
(Run with Inquisit Web)
Last Updated
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Auditory Verbal Learning Task (Written Recall)

A test of verbal recall in which participants are verbally presented a list of words and must write down as many as they can.
Duration: 10 minutes
(Requires Inquisit Lab)
(Run with Inquisit Web)
Last Updated
not found
not found


Google ScholarSearch Google Scholar for peer-reviewed, published research using the Inquisit Auditory Verbal Learning Task (AVLT).

Mandecka, M., Budziszewska, M., Barczak, A., Pepłońska, B., Chodakowska-Żebrowska, M., Filipek-Gliszczyńska, A., . . . Gabryelewicz, T. (2016). Association between Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease, APOE Genotypes and Auditory Verbal Learning Task in Subjective Cognitive Decline, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 54(1), 157-168.

Poreh, A., Bezdicek, O., Korobkova, I., Levin, J., & Dines, P. (2016). The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test forced-choice recognition task: Base-rate data and norms. Applied Neuropsychology. Adult, 23(3), 155-161.

Hale C, Last BS, Meier IB, Yeung LK, Budge M, Sloan RP, Small SA, Brickman AM. The ModRey: An Episodic Memory Test for Nonclinical and Preclinical Populations. Assessment. 2019 Sep;26(6):1154-1161.