User Manual: Inquisit Auditory Verbal Learning Task (Written Recall)


								Modified Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (ModRey) 
								- Batch Script-
								- written recall-
								(Turkish version)

Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. ( for Millisecond Software, LLC
Date: 03-17-2022
last updated:  10-03-2023 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software, LLC

Script Copyright © 10-03-2023 Millisecond Software
This script implements an Inquisit version of the Modified Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (ModRey)
by Hale et al (2019). The ModRey is a test of episodic memory performance in non-clinical and 
pre-clinical populations. It differs from the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) by 
increasing its difficulty. Specifically the authors
a) increased the number of items for the target and distractor lists from from 15 to 20
b) decreased the number of learning trials from 5 to 3
c) added an additional free recall trial of distractor list
d) added a source memory task

The original ModRey presents the words orally and collects oral responses.
This Inquisit implementation provides the option to choose whether to present the words only orally, 
only visually or both at the same time. By default, the words are presented only visually.
Recall responses are always collected in written format (via textboxes).
Recognition and Source Responses (part2) are collected via keyboard input.

!Note: Millisecond Software also offers an alternative implementation of the Modrey with oral recall input.
Verbal recall in those scripts is captured as soundcaptures that have to be scored manually.

Hale C, Last BS, Meier IB, Yeung LK, Budge M, Sloan RP, Small SA, Brickman AM. 
The ModRey: An Episodic Memory Test for Nonclinical and Preclinical Populations. 
Assessment. 2019 Sep;26(6):1154-1161. 
doi: 10.1177/1073191117723113. 
Epub 2017 Aug 11. PMID: 28799411; PMCID: PMC5829025.

Adjustments to z-scores as described by:
Gregg, A. & Sedikides, C. (2010). Narcissistic Fragility:
Rethinking Its Links to Explicit and Implicit Self-esteem, Self and Identity, 9:2, 142-161 (p.148)


This script implements a batch script. It calls

- Script modrey_writtenrecall_part1.iqjs
- Script modrey_writtenrecall_part2.iqjs

in this fixed order and transfers summary data from part1 to part2 automatically.
Note that scripts 'modrey_writtenrecall_part1.iqjs' and 'modrey_writtenrecall_part2.iqjs' can also be run outside 
this batch script. However, in that case, no summary data transfer from part1 to part2 will take place.

Add any number of Inquisit scripts in between the two parts to fill the recommended
delay of 1.5h. (see for additional information below under element batch.main)

///////Script modrey_written recall_part1.iqjs:////////

//(1) Learning Phase with Immediate Recall://
Participants are presented a list of 20 verbal words (fixed sequence, list A), one at a time at a time.
Once the list has finished, a textbox appears and participants are asked to enter as 
many of the list words as they remember, in any order. The list learning/immediate recall task is 
repeated 2 more times.

//(2) Introduction of Distractor List://
Then participants are distracted with distractor list B (one time).

//(3) Short Delay

//(4) Free Recall of List A://
After listB, participants are asked to recall all words from list A 
(list A is not presented anymore)

------------------End of part1----------------------------------------

//(5) Delay: 1.5h//

///////Script modrey_writtenrecall_part2.iqjs:////////

//(6) Delayed recall of List A//
- participants work through through a delayed recall test of list A

//(7) Delayed recall of List B//
- participants work through through a delayed recall test of list B

//(8) Recognition Test (List A) - 66 trials// 
-target words are list A words; 
-distractors are phonetically similar and 
-list B words

//(9) Source Test://
List A and List B words are presented in fixed order and participant has to decide
the words' source list (A or B)


The default setup of this script takes about 1 3/4- 2hours (including the delay of 1.5h)
Part 1 takes roughly: 10-15 minutes
Part 2 takes roughly: 5 minutes
uses the words of the ModRey (Hale et al, 2019)
(words were pronounced with Google Translate and saved as .wav files)

Groupnumber 1 (odd) - Runs version1 stimuli (see modrey_items_form1.iqjs)
Groupnumber 2 (even) - runs version2 stimuli (see modrey_items_form2.iqjs)

are provided by Millisecond Software - can be edited in the individual scripts

are provided by Millisecond Software - can be edited in the individual scripts

see individual scripts