Stereotype Activation Task
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Stereotype Activation Task
A priming cover task in which stereotypic associations are incidentally presented in order to activate racial stereotypes.

Gupta, V., Turban, D., Bhawe, N., & Zedeck, Sheldon. (2008). The Effect of Gender Stereotype Activation on Entrepreneurial Intentions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(5), 1053-1061.
Radvansky, Copeland, & Hippel. (2010). Stereotype activation, inhibition, and aging. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46(1), 51-60.
Moskowitz, G.B. & Li, P.(2011). Egalitarian goals trigger stereotype inhibition: A proactive form of stereotype control. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 103–116.
Krieglmeyer, R., Sherman, J., & Smith, Eliot R. (2012). Disentangling Stereotype Activation and Stereotype Application in the Stereotype Misperception Task. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(2), 205-224.
Wang, P., Yang, Y., Tan, C., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., & Lin, C. (2016). Stereotype activation is unintentional: Behavioural and event‐related potenials evidence. International Journal of Psychology, 51(2), 156-162.