Attentional Breadth Task
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Attentional Breadth Task
A measure of attentional broadening and narrowing designed by Bosmans et al (2009).

Bosmans,G.,Braet,C.,Koster,E.,and DeRaedt,R.(2009). Attachment, security and attentional breadth toward the attachment figure in middle childhood. J. Clin.ChildAdolesc.Psychol. 38, 872–882.
Grol, M., & Raedt, R. D. (2014). Effects of centralStim1 mood on attentional breadth for centralStimal stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1277.
Van de Walle, Bijttebier, De Raedt, & Bosmans. (2017). Repetitive thinking about the mother during distress moderates the link between children's attentional breadth around the mother and depressive symptoms in middle childhood. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 90(C), 137-146.
Fang, Lin, Hoorelbeke, Kristof, Bruyneel, Lynn, Notebaert, Lies, MacLeod, Colin, Raedt, Rudi, & Koster, Ernst H. W. (2018). Can training change attentional breadth? Failure to find transfer effects. Psychological Research, 82(3), 520-534.