Arrow Flanker Task - ABCD
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Flanker Task - ABCD Consortium - Smart Phone
The Flanker Task for adolescents used in the ABCD Consortium's longitudinal study on cognitive development from childhood to early adulthood.
Duration: 3 minutes
Flanker Task - ABCD Consortium - Tablet
The Flanker Task for adolescents used in the ABCD Consortium's longitudinal study on cognitive development from childhood to early adulthood.
Duration: 3 minutes

Luciana, M, Bjork, J.M, Nagel, B.J, Barch, D.M, Gonzalez, R, Nixon, S.J, & Banich, M.T. (2018). Adolescent neurocognitive development and impacts of substance use: Overview of the adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) baseline neurocognition battery. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 32, 67-79.
Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development Study (ABCD). The NIH funded ABCD Study is the largest long-term study of brain development and child health in the United States, tracking biological and behavioral development of 10,000 participants from childhood to adulthood..