Bells Test
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Bells Test
A visual search test designed by Gauthier et al (1989) to examine visual neglect (lack of response to stimuli presented left or right of the median line of the body).

Gauthier, L., Dehaut, F., & Joanette, Y. (1989). The Bells Test: A quantitative and qualitative test for visual neglect. International Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 11(2), 49–54.
de CR, O., de FC, L., CP, K., & PF, R. (2016). Use of Bells Test in the Evaluation of the Hemineglect Post Unilateral Stroke. Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience, 7.
Basagni, B., De Tanti, A., Damora, A., Abbruzzese, L., Varalta, V., Antonucci, G., Bickerton, W. L., Smania, N., & Mancuso, M. (2017). The assessment of hemineglect syndrome with cancellation tasks: a comparison between the Bells test and the Apples test. Neurological Sciences, 38(12), 2171–2176.
Wong, C. E. I., Cotrena, L. D. B. C., Joanette, Y., & Fonseca, R. P. (2017). Reliability and construct validity of the bells test. Avaliação Psicologica, 17(1), 28–.
Mancuso et al (2019). A New Standardization of the Bells Test: An Italian Multi-Center Normative Study. Front. Psychol. 9:2745.