Finger Drumming Task
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Behavioural Laterality Battery Finger Tapping Task
A motor coordination task by Parker et al (2020) in which participants repeatedly tap a specific key sequence as fast as they can for 30 seconds.
Finger Drumming Task
A measure of motor coordination developed by Millisecond in which participants drum patterns with their fingers on a touch screen device.

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Rodger, Sylvia, Watter, Pauline, Marinac, Julie, Woodyatt, Gail, Ziviani, Jenny, & Ozanne, Anne. (2007). Assessment of children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD): Motor, functional, self-efficacy and communication abilities. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, 35(3), 99-109.
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Adam J. Parker , Zoe V. J. Woodhead , Paul A. Thompson & Dorothy V. M. Bishop (2020): Assessing the reliability of an online behavioural laterality battery: A pre-registered study, Laterality