Continuous Performance Test (CPT)
Alternate Names: Conners CPT
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AX Continuous Performance Test (AX-CPT)
The AX Continuous Performance Test (AX-CPT) as described by Marcora et al (2009).
Continuous Performance Task - Long Version
The original CPT described in Rosvold et al (1956). Subjects are shown a series of letters. In the first half of the experiment, they must respond whenever an "X" is displayed. In the second half, they must respond whenever an "A" followed by an "X" is displayed. This script runs the long version, suitable for adults.
Continuous Performance Test - Short version
The original CPT described in Rosvold et al (1956). Subjects are shown a series of letters. In the first half of the experiment, they must respond whenever an "X" is displayed. In the second half, they must respond whenever an "A" followed by an "X" is displayed. This script runs the short version, suitable for children.
Continuous Performance Test, Identical Pairs (CPT-IP)
The Continuous Performance Test, Identical Pairs version (CPT-IP) by Cornblatt et al (1988).
Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA-CPT)
The Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA-CPT) by Sandford and Turner (2004).
Millisecond Auditory Continuous Performance Task
An Auditory Continuous Performance task (ACPT) using pairs of low and high beeps as targets. Specifically, the design of the Millisecond ACPT is a an auditory version of the AX sub paradigm of the CPT task (see Rosvold, 1956) and modelled after the Conners CATA.
NonX Continuous Performance Test (NonX-CPT)
The nonX-CPT, modeled after the Conners CPT, asks participants to respond to all letters except an X (as opposed to the Rosvold et al (1956) CPT procedure). The nonX-CPT runs a high proportion of go trials (nonX) and a low proportion of nogo trials (X).
Sustained Auditory Attention Ability Test (SAAAT)
The Sustained Auditory Attention Ability Test (SAAAT), a variant of an auditory continuous performance test to measure auditory vigilance and sustained attention (Lemos & Feniman, 2010). The SAAAT was originally developed for children (age group: 6-11 years old)

Rosvold, H. E., Mirsky, A. F., Sarason, I., Bransome, Jr., E. D., Beck, L. H. (1956). A Continuous Performance Test of Brain Damage. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 20, 343-350.
Schein, J. D. (1962). Cross-validation of the Continuous Performance Test for brain damage. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26, 115-118.
Cornblatt, B. A., Risch ,N. J., Faris,G., Friedman,D.& Erlenmeyer- Kimling, L. (1988). The continuous performance test, identical pairs version (CPT-IP): I. New findings about sustained attention in normal families. Psychiatry Research 26, 223-238.
Sandford, J. A., & Turner, A. (2004). IVA + plus: Integrated visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test administration manual. Richmond, VA: Brain Train.
Marcora, S.M, Staiano, W. & Manning, V. (2009). Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans. J Appl Physiol, 106: 857–864.
Conners, C. K. (2014). Conners Continuous Performance Test (Conners CPT 3) & Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention (Conners CATA): Technical Manual. Multi-Health Systems Inc.