Number Bisection Task
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Number Bisection Task
A mathematical task in which participants judge whether a center number is the arithmetic mean of the flanking numbers as described in Nuerk et al (2002)

Nuerk, H., Geppert, B., van Herten, M., & Willmes, K. (2002). On the impact of different number representations in the number bisection task. Cortex, 1, 691–715.
Droit-Volet, Clément, & Fayol. (2003). Time and number discrimination in a bisection task with a sequence of stimuli: A developmental approach. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 84(1), 63-76.
Moeller, Fischer, Nuerk, & Willmes. (2009). Eye fixation behaviour in the number bisection task: Evidence for temporal specificity. Acta Psychologica, 131(3), 209-220.
Ashkenazi, & Henik. (2010). A disassociation between physical and mental number bisection in developmental dyscalculia. Neuropsychologia, 48(10), 2861-2868.
Moeller, Wood, Doppelmayr, & Nuerk. (2010). Oscillatory EEG correlates of an implicit activation of multiplication facts in the number bisection task. Brain Research, 1320(C), 85-94.
Pletzer, Kronbichler, Ladurner, Nuerk, & Kerschbaum. (2011). Menstrual cycle variations in the BOLD-response to a number bisection task: Implications for research on sex differences. Brain Research, 1420, 37-47.
Fernandez Cruz, Arango-Muñoz, & Volz. (2016). Oops, scratch that! Monitoring one’s own errors during mental calculation. Cognition, 146, 110-120.