Inquisit 6.6.3 (July 8, 2024)
#6041 Remove inpout64.sys from Windows installer due to privilege escalation vulnerability.
Inquisit 6.6.2 (July 22, 2022)
#5405 Update Android to meet upcoming app store requirements.
#5417 (Inquisit 6; iPad OS 16) App does not enter fullscreen
Inquisit 6.6.1 (July 8, 2022)
5381 Inquisit 6.6 (player) crashes on several customer devices and platforms (possibly windows, ios) when a video (and soundfile) are supposed to play
5380 Update to the latest XID SDK
5376 Inquisit 6.6.0 Web (Mac/iOS) Some studies involving MP4 videos error out at runtime
5371 Inquisit Web - X-IQ-Content-Encoding header (sometimes?) missing for PNG multi-part data uploads
5370 Add support for /soundcapture at the block level
5362 Windows - ensure device has viable sound system before running scripts that require audio
5360 Script with continuously updated animated objects across trials keeps freezing (most prominent with monkey)
5353 5.x/CustomerProgrammingProjects/HenriettaBoudros/Batch_French.test produces stderr
5348 6.x/samples/balloonpoppingtask/balloonpoppingtask.iqx issues warning
5346 6.x/samples/gameofdicetask/gameofdicetask_german/gameofdicetask_german.test issues warnings to stderr
5338 Mac - 6.x/samples/symmspan/automatedsymmspan.test sends errors to stderr
5333 Inquisit appends an extra tab after last column in survey data output
Inquisit 6.6.0 (May 25, 2022)
5359 Continuous trial crashes script if a trial timeout is specified
5356 6.x/samples/missingscantask/missingscantask/missingscantask.test produces stderr output
5341 Mac - 6.x/samples/avlt/modrey_oralrecall_part1_groupid2.test results in stderrs
5340 Mac - 6.x/samples/stroop/stroop/stroop_voicerecognition/strooptaskweb.test returns stderr
5339 Mac - 6.x/samples/stroop/stroop/stroop_voicerecording/stroopwithvoicerecording.test returns stderr
5337 Mac - serial probe recognition test produces unwanted stderr and stdout output
5332 testharness failure cpt_rosvold: monkey never responds on certain trials
5330 Player UI references missing Delete.svg icon, results in warning to stderr
5321 Inquisit on Mac spams stdout and stderr with TONS of crap
5320 (Mac) Customer reported issue with Gender-Career IAT
5314 Customer's Inquisit Player Log filled with "Delete Data Temp File Failed!" errors
5311 Inquisit 6.5.2: /isvalidresponse in openened does not fire when textbox is empty
5310 Inquisit 6.5.2, Mac, possibly iOS: Calling zofp() on an empty list causes error, exits out of batch
5309 Inquisit 6.5.2: Likert elements don't take first button as correct response
5308 Inquisit 6.5.2 Windows: COM input is screwy
5306 Never ending trial despite set trialduration (trial runs animation and allows responses)
5305 display.getmm{x,y} should be modified to properly handle ExpressionValue arguments that may be IQExtents.
5301 (iphone) fontsizes of text elements (with html) don't adjust to requested size
5296 Inquisit Player - simple 404 missing file yields incomprehensible error message
5293 (6.5.3) Regression in instruction presentation in survey captions (no text wrapping)
5285 Inquisit Web player 6.5.2 / iOS: Tests fail to delete on some iPads
5279 Inquisit 6.5.3 (Windows) "parallel port N not found on this machine" warning despite address explicitly speciffied in /lptaddresses
5278 Inquisit 6 fails to present port signal at runtime
5272 Expression evaluator does not always show expression in error messages
5271 Remove warning "Network became unreachable while script was active."
5270 Game of dice sometimes throws an error when playing shake.mp4 video
5267 Windows (maybe Mac) - runtime fails to locate parallel port even though port monitor succeeds
5252 Migrate to new XCode build system
5251 sound element is missing a 'looping' feature
5243 Dell 2-in-1: computer.touch returns false
5225 Android crashes and ANRs - IllegalArgumentException in IQRuntime.IQWebView.loadUrl and others
5204 (6.5.1; ChromeOS, possibly Android) "Tried to set invalid soundBuffer 8 as playing (error code 46)" in Backward Digit Span
5199 (6.5.1; Web; Windows) HTML instruction pages fail to display piped expressions on some Windows 10 systems
5076 (Inquisit 6) Sliders cannot show images as anchors using img tag
4500 (Inquisit 6, Mac) left and right shift keys don't work as expected
Inquisit 6.5.2 (December 23, 2021)
5222 Potential bug on iphone 13 mini: survey navigation buttons appear much larger than on iphone 6S
5221 Potential bug on iphone13mini: repeated runs from player don't show and/or crash
5220 Animated Circle: only runs full rotations (or none at all)
5217 (Inquisit 6.5.1, ios iphone) Sizing Animation seems buggy
5215 (Inquisit 6.5.1; Apple Silicon Macs) Video rendering may fail on Macs with Apple silicon chips (M1 et al.)
5207 (Inquisit 6.5.1; Windows) values and expressions fail to show in HTML instructions when script is located on a network share
5206 (Inquisit 6.5.1, windows only) /beginresponseframe seems to mess up onsettimes (as evidenced by timestamps)
5194 (Inquisit 6.5.1) correctandvalid.iqx allows non-valid responses if correctresponse expression is set a certain way
5189 (Inquisit 6.5.1) no data file recorded if ctrl-q out of a non-recording trial during posttrialpause
5168 Windows (others not tested) - Data files are uploaded with CR but not CR/LF at the end of the file
5109 (IOS) forward survey navigation buttons cannot be skipped
5089 (Inquisit 6; Windows) Customer report: Inquisit Lab detects physical keyboard on Samsung convertible even if physical keyboard detached
4898 (Inquisit 6.2.2, Inquisit; Windows) /beginresponsetime and /beginresponseframe throw off stimulus onsets
Inquisit 6.5.1 (October 1, 2021)
5179 (Inquisit 6, all platforms) slider and slidertrial do not honor /required setting when re-used
5175 (6.5.1) text stimuli with attribute valign = bottom present differently than in Inquisit5 (Inquisit5 as expected)
5174 (6.5.1) Text Scrolling Bug: animated text started below 100% only moves visible text up
5171 (Inquisit Web 6.5.0, Android; possibly others) Convert to lowercase failures in offline mode
5170 (Inquisit Web 6.5.0 Android) Local log file inaccessible under Android
5169 (Inquisit Web 6.5.0 Android) logging computer.macaddress and computer.ipaddress properties crashes scripts on Android
5164 (Inquisit 6.5.1 - though probably going on for a long while in Inquisit 6) RTL language survey captions
5161 Windows: Inquisit Lab autocomplete doesn't respond to tab
5143 (Inquisit 6.5) slider ticks don't show up on black background
5142 (Inquisit 6) sliders: add a property to increase width of slider line and a property to set the size of the little drag box/arrow
5141 (Inquisit 6.5) double-click code does not work for mouse (but for touchscreens)
5139 (Inquisit 6.5) are not retained after a trial is over (in contrast to
5134 Add support for changing screen color during eyetracker calibration phase
5132 Rationalize stimulus skip, prepare, stage, present, erase, reset
Inquisit 6.5.0 (August 20, 2021)
5129 (Inquisit 6.5) A 'skip' condition setting seems to be ignored in some cases
5118 (Inquisit 6.5, Mac) continuous ios: background stim vanishes briefly
5116 (Inquisit 6.5, ios) continuous IOS script: trials erase early frame stims
5112 (Inquisit; Windows) Migrate to decoding certain audio files to using the native Windows API's directly
5107 Add scale attribute and properties to visual stimuli
5105 (Inquisit 6.4.2 Web, Windows) Customer report: crash when loading larger MP3 audio files and low on memory
5087 (Inquisit 6) continuous trial with animated stim does not stop
5086 (Inquisit 6, all platforms) Erratic navigation behavior in surveys with /skip conditions
5080 (Inquisit survey) radiobuttons question with "other" response option messed up if /order = random
5075 (Inquisit 6; Android) "Tried to release invalid soundBuffer 8" errors with Digit Span script
5065 (Inquisit 6) data file error when running encrypted data Inquisit 5 script
5064 (Inquisit 5 & 6) Engrypted summary data files don't display correctly in Editor (web and lab)
5005 (Inquisit 6.3.5; Windows, others?) Screencolor issue with surveypages
4916 Testcase failure - list insert has changed between 5 and 6
4868 Registration is broken for updating time limited licenses and resetting trial expiration
Inquisit 6.4.1 (March 31, 2021)
5051 Windows 10 - Customer reported open gl error with the player
5049 iOS - 6.4.0 shows new crashes in app store
5047 (Customer report) No redirection for a certain script only under 6.4.0 / iOS
5046 (iOS) Customer report: Instruction navigation buttons sometimes don't pop up automatically under iOS
5045 ABCD reports that data from batched scripts aren't uploaded until the end of the batch
5044 Inquisit Web (iOS) - hosted safari browser allows browsing to local system files
5037 Documentation: Need to add new touch gestures for script termination
5034 For Help Menu: How to run offline Inquisit scripts with Inquisit Web Player
5033 iOS/Android - review crash logs from the app store
5031 Chromebook - sharing log file doesn't work
5025 (Inquisit 6.3.5; iOS) OpenGL Failed Sanity on iPhones
5006 (Inquisit6) rotated shapes are NOT recognized as valid responses
5002 (Inquisit6, ios) response bar vanishes and doesn't always reappear after bottom swipe
4998 (Inquisit Web 6.3.4/6.3.5; all platforms) Setting defaults.finishpage fails
4996 Chromebook - button highlight focus rectangles appears when it shouldn't or in wrong location
4952 Inquisit 6.3.3 OpenGL errors with backwards digitspan
4946 Dynamic stimulus animation
Inquisit 6.4.0 (March 8, 2021)
5021 (Inquisit 6, Android) offline scripts throw errors
5018 (Inquisit 6) image is not completely erased after trial
5017 (Inquisit 6) rotation bug
5015 (Inquisit 6) trouble with running scripts offline - no data in data tab
5011 Inquisit Player Log not available on Chromebook
5009 Rotation animation distorts stimulus dimension
5004 re-enable auto upload
5003 (Inquisit6, ios) short 3 finger swipe aborts scripts when on page/htmlpage elements
4997 Timeout errors with Cognitive Error Discounting Task with speech
4994 (iOS) Editing gestures and menu pop up while our response bar is visible.
4991 (Inquisit Web 6.3.4, all platforms) Incoming URL parameters are not preserved for default finish pages
4988 (iOS) Change 3-finger swipe
4983 Make sure launch service returns the correct headers for safari hosted
4982 Build, test, and run on Mac OS X Big Sur
4979 (Inquisit 6.4, across platforms) Chinese characters in custom subject ids lead to upload failure from device
4978 Inquisit Player on iOS - Customer reports soundplayer errors
4974 Mac - Inquisit registration dialog unreadable in Dark Mode
4973 iOS - response bar disappears when user swipes 'down' near bottom of display
4971 (Inquisit6) Backspace key reports 'esc' under responsetext
4948 Inquisit Player should split uploads > 6MB into parts
4947 Inquisit Web - if participant hits Ctrl-Q when data isn't otherwise being recorded, we should ensure the quit reason is recorded (Related #4904)
4943 (Inquisit 6) We should provide a common way to specify what permissions may be required by the current script and/or those called by a batch
4928 (Inquisit 6, all platforms) default inputdevice for instruct should be the same as under default
4927 (Inquisit Player 6.3.1) Failed to load media error for random video items in online experiments
4807 (Inquisit 6, webplayer, windows) logs do not show platform information from scripts started from the webplayer its
Inquisit 6.3.5 (February 3, 2021)
4993 (Inquisit 6) shapes drawn at angles (rotation by angle issue)
4992 Manikin task has 5-10 second delays between trials
4989 (iOS) Freeze after the swipe menu is displayed
Inquisit 6.3.4 (December 24, 2020)
4966 (across platforms) radiobutton 'other' options not noted in data file anymore
4958 Inquisit Lab/Web - data files aren't saved if subject id contains invalid path characters
4957 Inquisit Web Player downloads sometimes fail on third party web servers
4955 iOS - instruction text is much larger than the specified size
4954 iOS - response bar disappears when a scrollable window is shown
4953 Inquisit 6.3.3 (iOS) Font sizing on instruction page elements is not honored on some iOS devices, specifically iPhone 6/7 (iPhone OS 14_2)
4952 Inquisit 6.3.3 OpenGL errors with backwards digitspan
4949 Video not supported error creates an event that tries to calls propertyBag->addError after script objects have been deleted
4933 (Inquisit 6, Android) email mask doesn't work on Android textboxes
4927 (Inquisit Player 6.3.1) Failed to load media error for random video items in online experiments
Inquisit 6.3.3 (December 10, 2020)
4940 (Inquisit 6, Windows / Mac) mousewheel no longer recognized as response
4936 (Inquisit 6, macOS 11) new screen capture permission prompt displays during the script BEHIND the run window.
4924 (Windows) Sound related crash in auditoryselectiveattentiontask
4905 MP3 sound files should be streamed from local disk instead of loaded into memory
4904 Inquisit Web - if participant hits Ctrl-Q before any data have been recorded, we should upload a datafile consisting only of Ctrl+Q
Inquisit 6.3.2 (December 1, 2020)
4939 (Inquisit6) animated gif is not presented correctly (seems to skip a frame)
4930 (Inquisit 6.3.2) offline mode produces error
4929 Inquisit Player - when custom url is specified for raw or summary data, data are uploaded to instead
4927 (Inquisit Player 6.3.1) Failed to load media error for random video items in online experiments
4923 Mac - Can't save the Inquisit Player log
4920 (Inquisit 6 Lab, MacOS only) Tools -> Speech Recognition -> Analyze Recorded Responses fails to load audio files
4919 (Inquisit 6, Mac player) photocaptures are not uploaded
4908 (Inquisit 6, Mac only) Text elements in GameofDice Task screwed up
4483 (Inquisit 6, Mac) text elements look screwed up in Inattentional Blindness task
Inquisit 6.3.1 (November 20, 2020)
4922 Mac - Inquisit Player hangs while loading game of dice task
4915 Testcase failure - list behavior is different for Inquisit 5 and 6
4913 (Inquisit 6, Mac Player) cats-r batch script always stays on splash screen for subtest 7
4870 (Inquisit 6; Windows only) Key to scancode mapping doesn't respect keyboard language selected
4869 Inquisit Lab - Error messages hard to read with screen reader
Inquisit 6.3.0 (October 29, 2020)
4807 (Inquisit 6, webplayer, windows) logs do not show platform information from scripts started from the webplayer itself
4877 Customer report - XID serial signals aren't flushed, responses to previous trials are recorded
4885 Windows 10 Customer report - QOpenGLFramebufferObject.bind() fails
4893 (Inquisit 6.3) responsetext stores response text despite the fact that response = 0 (and latency suggests a noresponse)
4895 Inquisit Web - data files should be uploaded in parallel while in async mode
4869 Inquisit Lab - Error messages hard to read with screen reader
4891 (Inquisit 6.3, across platforms): custom project crashes with 6.3 but not with 6.2.2
4882 (6.x; macOS 10.15+) Speech Recognition install detection is broken (especially on US English)
4847 Mac (not windows) Customer script throws internal error with script that worked fine in 5
4830 (Inquisit 6 Web / Lab, all platforms) Issues with include parsing hierarchy and interdependencies
4844 (Inquisit, across platforms) slider button is cut-off
4860 (Inquisit 6.3) /pretrialsignal not working as expected (based on Inquisit 5 performance)
4874 (Inquisit 6) quitcommands require scancodes (different from Inquisit 5)
4715 (Inquisit 5 & 6; Lab & Web; all platforms) noreplacecorrect selection mode fails when block is selected from a list or invoked via /branch
4727 (Inquisit 6) re-use of local variables in different expressions results in unexpected problems
4825 (Inquisit 6) 'Tab' control to move from surveypage to surveypage missing in Inquisit 6 (but active in Inquisit 5)
4829 (Inquisit 6) navigation buttons for page/htmlpage elements too small and need higher contrast (based on customer feedback)
4853 (Mac only) Setting mouse.x and mouse.y coordinates /ontrialbegin has no effect
4817 (Inquisit 6) expressions that use the same name for its local 'var' throw error messages
4819 (Inquisit5/6) list set to sequential selection ignore 'NOT' setting
4822 (Inquisit 6) continuous trial disregards stop condition if no response is made
4823 (Inquisit 6) continuous trial only presents /responsemessage for the first response made (e.g. first spacebar press)
4827 (Inquisit 6) updating of responses during continuous trials seems to transcend trial
4862 (Inquisit 6, windows, ios) Bluethooth headphones are not working with Inquisit scripts on PC/IOS (at least not for me)
4863 (Inquisit 6.3, ios, Android, Mac but not PC) only the last voice-over text element is played
Inquisit 6.2.2 (August 7, 2020)
4788 (Inquisit 6; Windows / Mac, possibly other platforms) Latency logging for likert elements is broken
4748 (Inquisit 6; Lab & Player; macOS) in window mode the Player/Lab's top-level menu is still accessible when an experiment is running.
4768 Inquisit Player should clear files out of the temp cache on startup and shutdown
4773 (Inquisit 6 Web; Windows, other platforms?) soundcaptures fail to upload automatically if sound capture script is executed in batch context
4800 (Inquisit 6, possibly ios devices) customer script aborts on iphone
4803 (Inquisit 6) Some mystery monkey latencies (suggesting the monkey spent days on a trial when it really didn't)
4806 (Inquisit6, Win, Mac, Android but not ios) player does not work in offline mode if wifi is disconnected (e.g. airplane mode)
4699 Android ANR: Input dispatching timed out error
4752 (Windows 7, possible others) - inquisit hangs when loading wav files
4764 (Inquisit, win) web player starts the script in the background
4775 (Inquisitplayer 6) soundcapture file names do not contain information to easily attribute them to different time points
4778 (Inquisit 6) soundfiles played with /playthrough = true and trialduration = 0 occasionally don't continue as planned
4787 Player (iOS) freezes or crashes with call in progress or when receiving an incoming call
4796 (macOS, Windows) Inquisit Lab - LPT port fails but returns a funny error if there's no LPT port
4797 (Inquisit 6) text stimuli appear more pixelated with Inquisit 6 than with Inquisit 5
4802 (Inquisit 6) Reconsider CTRL+A command to terminate batches
4820 (Inquisit6, And) /validresponse = ("1", "0") shows extra response button ('Num + 0')
4712 (Inquisit 6, iOS) From App Store crash reports Inquisit 6 6.1.2 (5773): [UIKeyboardImpl dealloc] + 880 (UIKeyboardImpl.m:1408)
4746 (Player 6, Android) ANR recorded in play store: - Release 6.1.2
4776 (Inquisit 6, Android) built-in keyboard for openended trials appears only if the textbox is selected first
4799 (Inquisit 6) skipped text elements that are set to be voiced-over still present orally during a trial
Inquisit 6.2.1 (June 15, 2020)
4780 (Mac OS X 10.13.3) - Inquisit Player crashes on launch
4711 (Inquisit 6, iOS) From App Store crash reports Inquisit 6 6.1.2 (5773): QOpenGLContext::functions() const + 16
Inquisit 6.2.0 (June 8, 2020)
4704 iOS - Player doesn't open HTTPS url passed via app banner meta tag
4694 Android - test does not launch on the first try
4762 (Windows): Inquisit Web doesn't load sound files
4695 Android Crash: QWidget::windowState() const
4696 Android 10: SoundPlayer fails with AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED error
4703 Android - player crashes on launch
4705 Android Crash Report: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
4722 (Inquisit 6; Lab & Web; all platforms) Typing "@" character on certain keyboard layouts triggers built-in abort
4726 Android Player - weird paint issues when you attempt to upload the log
4728 (Inquisit 6, Android) Highlight ghost image appearing where previously focused text edit/line edit controls had been.
4729 (Player, Android) about:log text not always visible
4730 (Player, Android) Android 10. Share/save save will not be able to share outside App's sandbox.
4738 (Inquisit 6) htmlpage/page instructions show empty navigation buttons
4740 (Inquisit 6) page/htmlpage inputdevice = mouse does not work anymore
4755 (Inquisit 6) hjustify does not center the text anymore
4756 (Inquisit 6, Android, ios) 'picture story exercise': continue button (openended trial) does not work after 3 minutes as expected
4758 (Inquisit 6, all platforms) FiveFactorModel script doesn't present correctly anymore (but used to in earlier versions of Inquisit 6)
4761 (Inquisit 6, all platforms) Horizontalequal radiobuttons are not necessarily equally spaced anymore
4350 Allow playing mp3, m4a, etc using the sound element (instead of video hack)
4460 display.screenheight and display.screenwidth properties
4661 Monkey gets stuck on \6.x\samples\digitspan\digitspan_visual\digitspanvisual\digitspanvisual.iqx.
4681 (Inquisit6, win) re-use of local 'var' in expressions looks buggy
4691 Android Crash: QPlayerMainWindow::navigate(QUrl const&)
4709 (Inquisit 6, Android) Android screen shift and sizing weirdness when a keyboard is attached and we alternate between showing/hiding response widget
4713 (Inquisit 6, Android) Crash report: Release: 6.1.2 (5777): inquisit::IQTimer::isStarted()
4737 (Inquisit 6) Page-element shows large fontsize despite smaller fontsize specified in instruct
4753 (Inquisit 6) Millisecond Road Sign Test does not work as expected in Inquisit 6 anymore (drag/drop issue)
4668 (Inquisit 6, ios) attached bluetooth keyboard is not responsive for page & htmlpage instructions
4687 monkey fails to respond with anyresponse when default inputdevice=mouse
4700 Remove display.heightpx, display.heightpct, display.widthpx, and display.widthpct properties as they are redundant and/or useless
4701 Deprecate computer.languageid
4714 (Inquisit 6, Android/iOS) Crash report: Release: 6.1.2 (5777): inquisit::IQHash(QImage)::insertUnique(QString const&, QImage const&)+72
4718 Android Crash Report: IQPTestManager::startNextDownload()
4747 (Player 6,Android) Crash recorded in the play store - 6.1.2
4664 Add Inquisit Web to Amazon Kindle Store
Inquisit 6.1.2 (April 6, 2020)
4672 (Inquisit 6, Android) remote ABCD project crashed before math scripts
4405 Move XID support to the new Cedrus API
4639 Inquisit Player shouldn't attempt to upload cached data files when it has been launched to run a study
4674 Android - handling devices that are built with portrait as their 'natural' orientation
4646 (Inquisit6, ios) forced canvasaspectratios behave differently when run in a batch script
4647 (Inquisit6, android) forced canvasaspectratios behave inconsistently when run in a batch script
4648 (Inquisit 6, Mac) surveys radiobuttons display blue circles (when a freshly downloaded player is run for the first time)
4665 (Inquisit 6, iphone, windows) Font size of text is different between Inquisit 5 & 6
4683 (Inquisit 6, win) mouse cursor set to appear in center is off
4337 (inquisit 6) weird behavior when selecting text to be copied
4594 (Inquisit 6, win) surveys rotate from horizontal to vertical when screen is turned
4649 (Inquisit 6, Mac) font of response buttons for page elements is too dark
4652 (Inquisit 6) non required textbox with defaultresponse demands a response (different behavior in Inquisit 5)
4653 Language and response updates for new Cedrus API
4654 (Inquisit, ios) despite attached bluetooth keyboard built-in touch response buttons are presented
4660 (Inquisit 6) validresponse = ("1", "2", "0") also allows "r", "o", "p" (other numbers linked to different letters)
4666 (Inquisit 6, Mac) Certain expressions not resolved on HTML instruction pages
4667 (Inquisit 6, ios) trials run with bluethooth keyboard present distracting buttons on bottom of screen
4669 iOS Player - crash report
4655 (Inquisit 6, ios) ctrl-alt-q to quit a batch does not work on bluethooth keyboards
4657 (Inquisit 6, ios) html sizing (with pt) for text elements seems off in ios compared to Windows, Mac & Android
4663 (Inquisit 6) checkbox 'other' response textbox only shows the intended caption when going backwards in the survey
4671 (Inquisit 6) no error message for trials that expect keyboard input but get a mouse input stimulus as validresponse
4676 (Inquisit 6.1.1 Web / Lab; Windows, Mac?) Displaying values and expressions fails when system decimal separator is not "."
4679 Ability to set the mouse cursor position
Inquisit 6.1.1 (March 16, 2020)
4632 Tobii plugin ignores columns attribute on <eyetracker> element
4633 Help sitemap and topic titles still reference v5
4635 (Inquisit 6) Multi-monitor bugs
4638 Running multimonitor scripts result in QGestureManager crash when Inquisit exits
4640 /subjects attribute regression
4642 (Inquisit 6) Response column stores 0 and responsetext stores '-n'
Inquisit 6.1.0 (March 6, 2020)
4630 radiobutton/checkboxes don't use txcolor for HTML options.
4627 custom project runs in Inquisit 5 but produces error in Inquisit 6
4622 Start page layout is screwed up on high DPI monitor
4621 Mac - Inquisit Lab "Run" button is too big
4620 Survey dropdowns occlude captions
4619 listbox elements need better auto-sizing.
4618 no backward compatibility of Inquisit 5 scripts if <expt> assignment is set to random
4617 'other' textboxes for radiobuttons/checkbox elements a bit far off
4616 caption in survey is cut in half
4615 textbox location seems a bit off for orientation = horizontal
4614 Mac yin/yan image does not show up in simple page element
4613 simple page elements (white) add a light gray background
4612 /groupassignment = random is broken in Inquisit Web 6
4611 Inquisit Player fails to play video/sound files with uppercase filenames used in the script.
4607 Need to document HTML subset supported by text elements, etc
4606 using html markup code in survey response options
4605 anchors for sliders defined with absolute sizing are not positioned correctly
4604 drag drop latency bug
4603 spacebar press can result in response selection in survey
4600 drag drop bug in Tower of London Task (compared to Inquisit 5)
4599 sliders respond as if not responded to when going backwards in a survey
4593 Add support for Qt's HTML subset in text elements
4592 Support HTML subset in text pages
4591 Support HTML subset in surveys
4589 n-back task losing input focus after practice
4567 slider question oddly spaced out in faceemotions.iqx
4558 horizontal orientation setting of dropdown boxes results in weird layout
4533 Unify styling across platforms.
4330 Slider scales don't line up even though identical scale is used
4322 radiobuttons cannot be unselected once a response has been made
Inquisit 6.0.2 (February 16, 2020)
4332 Tobii pupilsize task isn't working with Tobii eye tracker due to API / EyeTracker spin-up time.
4564 (Inquisit 6,iOS/macOS) joystick/gamepad support is flaky.
4571 (Inquisit 6, ios & android) required textboxes turn red immediately
4598 (Inquisit 6 Web) Web Data files not properly named when script contains multiple survey elements
4563 speech recognition doesn't work
4573 Registration expiration trace key in user settings appears to override machine registration state
4583 iOS/Android - speech recognition should fail more gracefully
4527 (Inquisit6, windows) /correctresponse setting in openended trials inconsistent with itself and inconsistent with Inquisit 5 behavior
4534 (Inquisit 6, windows device in touchmode) response buttons could be a bit bigger
4553 textbox ignores explicit required = true setting
4565 (Inquisit 6, Android, Windows) spacebar up response not working in Digital Food Dispenser Task
4566 (Inquisit 6, Android) keyboard does not exit with return response in openended trial
4580 (Inquisit Player 6, all platforms) Inquisit Web Player finish page url sets ScriptPath to the local cache location rather than the original ScriptPath for Offline scripts.
4582 speech recognition does not record response
4545 radiobuttons horizontal orientation does not always present entire response option
4559 (Inquisit 6, Android) wrapping of response options with horizontal orientation settings off compared to windows/ios
4560 (Inquisit 6, ios) response option wrapping off on ios for horizontalequal radiobuttons
4570 (Inquisit 6, Android) white flashes during instruction trials that use html-elements with black background
4578 add a response property such as that uses the character not the scancode
4579 /sessions attribute to select batch and expt groups based on session number