User Manual: Inquisit Self Other Performance Task


									*Self Other Performance Task*

Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. ( for Millisecond Software, LLC
Date: 10-17-2018
last updated:  09-30-2024 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software, LLC

Script Copyright © 09-30-2024 Millisecond Software

This script implements a SelfOtherPerformanceTask by C. Hobbs (email:
The task investigates the influence of social context on self performance estimates within the context of
an online anagram solving game with multiple computer simulated players.

A similar task was used in the GW4 Undergraduate Psychology Consortium 2018/9 a joint research program
of researchers at the University of Bath, University of Bristol and University of Cardiff:

Participants are asked to solve anagrams under cooperative and competitive conditions with various 
other players and predict their performance during each condition as well as rate their self-esteem after
each game.

The task is divided into baseline phase (individual anagram solving task) vs. test phase
(five cooperative games and give competitive games).

The Tasks takes appr. 20 minutes.

The fields in the data files are:

(1) Raw data file: 'selfotherperformance_raw*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)*

build:							The specific Inquisit version used (the 'build') that was run
computer.platform:				the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
date, time: 					date and time script was run 
subject, group: 				with the current subject/groupnumber
session:						with the current session id

blockCode, blockNum:			the name and number of the current block
trialCode, trialNum: 			the name and number of the currently recorded trial
									(Note: not all trials that are run might record data but they will all still be reflected by trialNum; 
									by default data is collected unless /recorddata = false is set for a particular trial/block) 

/condition:						stores the current compete/cooperate condition: 1 = cooperate; 2 = compete	or "baseline"								
/anagramCount:					counts the anagrams presented in the current block
/anagramItemNumber:				stores the itemnumber of the currently presented anagram
/valMn:							stores the mean valence rating of the current anagram solution word
/valSD:							stores the standard deviation of the valence ratings of the current anagram solution word
/aroMn:							stores the arousal rating of the current anagram solution word
/aroSD:							stores the standard deviation of the arousal ratings of the current anagram solution word
/domM:							stores the dominance rating of the current anagram solution word
/domSD:							stores the standard deviation of the dominance ratings of the current anagram solution word
/anagramLength:					stores the number of letters in the current anagram
/anagram:						stores the anagram currently presented
/anagramSolution:				stores the correct solution of the currently presented anagram
/proposedSolution:				stores the proposed solution to the current anagram
/acc:							1 = proposed anagram solution is correct; 0 = otherwise
/proposedSolutionRT:			stores the latency in ms of the currently proposed anagram solution (measured from onset of textbox until enter is pressed)
/selfRating:					stores the current performance self rating (1-100)
/selfRatingRT:					stores the current performance self rating latency (measured from onset of slider until enter)
/selfEsteemRating:				stores the current self esteem rating (1-100)
/selfEsteemRatingRT:			stores the current self esteem rating latency (measured from onset of slider until enter)									
response:						the participant's response during the currently recorded trial
								depending on inputdevice can be: a key scancode, a selected stimulus, a slider response, a textbox response etc.
latency: 						the response latency (in ms) of the currently recorded response

/teams:							stores the teams during a test block
								Example: "12, 34, 56" 
									team 1: participant (1) is paired with player2, 
									team 2: player3 is paired with player4, 
									team 3: player 5 is paired with player 6

The following variables stores the avatars, names and scores of the players by team.
coplayer: player who is currently paired with participant
team2: the second team of the current block; team3 = the third team of the current block

/participantOutcome:			WINNER or LOSER
/participantScore:				the % score of the participant based on 'performance'
/participantPoints:			the awarded points based on %score and values.condition
/coplayerName:					the name of the coplayer (coplayer = player who is paired with participant)
/coplayerOutcome:				WINNER or LOSER
/coplayerScore:				the % score of the coplayer based on 'performance'
/coplayerPoints:				the awarded points based on %score and values.condition

same for team2 and team3:

/team2Name1:					the left player of team 2
/team2Outcome1:					WINNER or LOSER
/team2Score1:					score of the left player of team 2
/team2Points1:					the awarded points
/team2Name2:					the right player of team 2
/team2Outcome2:					WINNER or LOSER
/team2Score2:					score of the right player of team 2
/team2Points2:					the awarded points
/team3Name1:					the left player of team 3
/team3Outcome1:					WINNER or LOSER
/team3Score1:					score of the left player of team 3
/team3Points1:					the awarded points
/team3Name2:					the right player of team 3
/team3Outcome2:					WINNER or LOSER
/team3Score2:					score of the right player of team 3
/team3Points2:					the awarded points

the current scores by players (based on 'performance')/the current earned points by player (based on score and condition)

/participantScore:, /participantPoints
/player2Score:, /player2Points
/player3Score:, /player3Points
/player4Score:, /player4Points
/player5Score:, /player5Points
/player6Score:, /player6Points

The following variables store the avatar selection (avatar itemnumber), affiliation (here: Bath, Bristol, Cardiff),
player name and player total scores for all 6 players (participant + 5 computer players)

/totalPointsParticipant:			stores the accumulated points for participant (baseline points + 10 tests)






(2) Summary data file: 'selfotherperformanceSummary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)*

inquisit.version:				Inquisit version run
computer.platform:				the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
startDate:						date script was run
startTime:						time script was started
subjectId:						assigned subject id number
groupId:						assigned group id number
sessionId:						assigned session id number
elapsedTime:					time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script
completed:						0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 
								1 = script was completed (all conditions run)
/baselineSelfRating:			stores the self performance rating (1-100) made during baseline
/baselineSelfEsteem:			stores the self esteem rating (1-100) made during baseline

/meanSelfRatingCooperate:		the mean self performance rating (0-100) made for cooperative games
/meanSelfEsteemCooperate:		the mean self-esteem rating (0-100) made for cooperative games
/meanSelfRatingCompete:		the mean self performance rating (0-100) made for competitive games
/meanSelfEsteemCompete:		the mean self-esteem rating (0-100) made for competitive games

The following variables store the avatar selection (avatar itemnumber), affiliation (here: Bath, Bristol, Cardiff),
player name and player total scores for all 6 players (participant + 5 computer players)

/totalPointsParticipant:			stores the accumulated points for participant (baseline points + 10 tests)






* separate data files: to change to one data file for all participants (on Inquisit Lab only), go to section
"DATA" and follow further instructions


(1) Intro:
- selection of affiliation (here: university), avatar image and avatar name
- random assignment of affiliation to computer players, so that there are 2 players from each institution
- random assignment of remaining avatars to computer players
- random assignment of names to computer players from a predetermined list of names (see helper script 'selfotherperformancetaskStimuli.iqjs')
(Note: if participant selects one of the player names, a request for another name try is made)

(2) Practice
- 'individual' play (not team play)
- 3 pre-selected anagrams in random order
- no timelimit
- feedback

(3) Baseline
- 'individual' play (not team play)
- Task: solve as many anagrams as you can during a given time frame.
The anagrams are selected randomly without replacement from the available list of anagrams.
- timed (default: 1 minute; see section Editable Parameters)

- before participant's score is revealed, participant is asked to predict her score ('self rating');
after all points are revealed, participant is asked about her feelings ('self-esteem')

- Percentage Correct: percentage correctly solved anagrams based on the number of anagrams attempted
=> if percentage correct is below 25% => reported percentage correct is adjusted by randomly selecting from 25%, 26%, 27%, 28%
=> if percentage correct is above 75% => reported percentage correct is adjusted by randomly selecting from 72%, 73%, 74%, 75%
=> scores are directly translated into points from 0-100.

- computer player performance:
the assigned percantage corrects of the computer players are selected randomly from
- participant percentage correct + 24 (higher)
- participant percentage correct + 10 (higher)
- participant percentage correct - 1 (almost the same)
- participant percentage correct - 10 (lower)
- participant percentage correct - 24 (lower)
=> scores are directly translated into points from 0-100.

- ScoreBoard reveals the player's baseline points in order (from highest to lowest)

(4) Test
- Task: solve as many anagrams as you can during a given time frame (each player works on his/her own anagrams).
The anagrams are randomly (without replacement) selected from the list of available anagrams
- each game is timed (default: 1 minute; see section Editable Parameters)

- The test phase runs 10 rounds: five competitive and five cooperative rounds
- competitive round: two players play against each other. 
The player with the higher score will get the points as calculated by the difference score, 
the other player gets 0 points for that round
- cooperative game: two players play with each other (Note: they each solve their own anagrams). 
At the end both players get the mean points earned for that round

- the participant plays against each of the five computer players twice: once in a competitive round 
and once in a cooperative rounds
The remaining pairings (btw. computer players) for the games are predetermined, so that each computer player
plays against each other computer player once in the competitive and once in the cooperative round

- before participant's score is revealed, participant is shown her coplayer's score and asked to predict her own score ('self rating');
after all points are revealed, participant is asked about her feelings ('self-esteem')

- Percentage Correct for Participant ('score') during test: same algorithm used as after the Baseline Phase
- Percentage Correct for Computer-Players ('score') during test: same algorithm used as after the Baseline Phase

- Points are cumulative. At the end the final scoreBoard is revealed.
Note: based on the random allocation of the points, participant's final standing is not fixed.

Note: throughout the script, participants have to wait for the other players to finish.
These wait times are randomly selected from list.waitTime under section Editable Lists

- provided by Katie Hobbs, University of Bath
- are stored in helper script selfotherperformancetaskStimuli.iqjs
- 1217 anagrams of different lengths, valence, arousal, dominance
- 8 possible avatars
- 3 university logos
- 6 possible names

- provided by Katie Hobbs, University of Bath
- see section Editable Instructions in this script

check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. 
Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment.

The parameters you can change are:

/practiceFeedback:					the duration (in ms) of practice feedback (default: 1000ms)
/baselineTimeout:					the duration (in ms) of anagram presentations during baseline (default: 60000ms = 1 min)
/testTimeout:						the duration (in ms) of anagram presentations during test (default: 60000ms = 1 min)

/affiliationA:						the default group A that a participant can be affiliated with (here: University Bath)
/affiliationB:						the default group B that a participant can be affiliated with (here: University Bristol)
/affiliationC:						the default group A that a participant can be affiliated with (here: University Cardiff)
										Note: group/university logos can be changed in helper file 'selfotherperformancetaskStimuli.iqjs' 



									*Self Other Performance Task*


Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. ( for Millisecond Software, LLC
Date: 10-17-2018
last updated:  10-09-2023 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software, LLC

Script Copyright © 10-09-2023 Millisecond Software

This script contains the stimuli used for the Inquisit selfotherperformancetask.iqjs											
The stimuli were generously shared by Katie Hobbs (email: