___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *RAPID VISUAL INFORMATION PROCESSING* ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. (katjab@millisecond.com) for Millisecond Software, LLC last updated: 10-06-2023 by K. Borchert (katjab@millisecond.com) for Millisecond Software, LLC Script Copyright © 10-06-2023 Millisecond Software ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND INFO ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This script implements the Rapid Visual Information Processing Task, a measures of processing speed and performance. The implemented procedure is based on: Wesnes, K. & Wartburton, D.M (1984), Effects of scopolamine and nicotine on human rapid information processing performance. Psychopharmacology, 82, 147-150. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TASK DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A participant is presented with a series of digits (1-9) on a computer screen. The presentation time is 100 digits/min (or 1digit/600ms). The participant's task is to press a response key (here: Spacebar) as soon as she detects a series of three consecutive odd or three consecutive even digits. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DURATION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the default set-up of the script takes appr. 14 minutes to complete ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATA OUTPUT DICTIONARY ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The fields in the data files are: (1) Raw data file: 'rvip.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) build: The specific Inquisit version used (the 'build') that was run computer.platform: the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android) date, time: date and time script was run subject, group: with the current subject/groupnumber session: with the current session id blockCode, blockNum: the name and number of the current block (built-in Inquisit variable) trialCode, trialNum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial (built-in Inquisit variable) Note: trialNum is a built-in Inquisit variable; it counts all trials run; even those that do not store data to the data file such as feedback trials. Thus, trialNum may not reflect the number of main trials run per block. focusDigit3: the three digits that need to be checked to see if they are all odd or all even focusDigit2: focusdigit1 : digit: the digit presented in the current trial btwTargetsCounter: counts the number of digits between target trials target: 0 = no target presented; 1 = target presented (the third digit in a row of either all odd or all even digits) Note: while the current digit may not be a target, the trial might still accept target responses if the previous target is still active targetStartTime: the script elapsed time (in ms) the last target was presented startTrialTime: the script elapsed time the current trial started (in ms) (parameter) target_responsewindow: the time window during which a target is active (here: up until 1500ms after onset of a target, consistent with Wesnes & Wartburton (1984)) targetResponseendTime: starttrial of a target-trial + interval (in ms) targetActive: 0 = target not active; 1 = target still active (even though the currently presented digit itself might not be a target) response: the participant's response (e.g. scancode of response key) 57 = spacebar 0 = no response correct: the correctness of the response (1 = correct; 0 = incorrect) responseTime: the script elapsed time when a spacebar response is made (in ms) rtHit: the response latency (in ms) for the current Hit; => calculated as difference between responsetime-targetstarttime => thus measures the time it took to hit spacebar after a target was presented (latency measured from onset of last target) latency: the trial latency (in ms) (for the current trial) Note: measures the response time of hitting the spacebar measured from onset of current digit (if no response, this variable stores the trial duration) hit: 1 = spacebar press was registered during the current trial while a target was still active 0 = no spacebar press was registered during the current trial while a target was still active "" (empty): no active target during the current trial fa: 1 = spacebar press was registered during the current trial while no target was active 0 = no spacebar press was registered during the current trial while no target was active "" (empty): the target was still active during the current trial sumTargets: counts how many targets have been presented sumHit: counts the number of Hits sumFA: counts the number of False Alarms (2) Summary data file: 'rvip_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) inquisit.version: Inquisit version run computer.platform: the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android) startDate: date script was run startTime: time script was started subjectId: assigned subject id number groupId: assigned group id number sessionId: assigned session id number elapsedTime: time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script completed: 0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) propCorrect: proportion correct target detection (test) sumTargets: counts how many targets have been presented (test) sumHit: counts the number of Hits (test) sumFA: counts the number of False Alarms (test) meanRTHit: determines the mean hit RT (in ms) - measured from onset of last target digit (test only) stdHit: determines standard deviation of hit RTs (test only) medianRTHit: determines the median hit RT (in ms) - measured from onset of last target digit (test only) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This script provides a testing sequence of 1200 digits with 96 target sequences as well as a practice sequence of 20 digits with 2 target sequences. The target sequences (testing) are separated by a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 35 digits (Mean = 9.3). Feedback is provided at the end of each block - to remove feedback go to section BLOCKS and follow further instructions. The response is scored as a Hit if the participant reacts within 1500ms (target response window described in article, can be changed by experimenter in this script) of onset of the last digit of a target sequence. Any response that occurs later is scored as a False Alarm. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STIMULI ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ see section Editable Lists for the currently available stim sequences ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to edit instructions, go to section Editable Instructions ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDITABLE CODE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment. The parameters you can change are: getReadyDuration: the duration (in ms) of the get-ready-trial (default: 2000ms) targetResponseWindow: the time window (in ms) during which a target is active (here: up until 1500ms after onset of a target, consistent with Wesnes & Wartburton (1984)) presentationTime: how long (in ms) a stimulus is presented before the next one replaces it (= frequency of showing a stimulus) (here: 100 digits/ 1min => 600ms per stimulus, consistent with Wesnes & Wartburton (1984).) digitHeight: controls the size of the digits (percentage of screen height, default: 5%) sequenceLengthPractice: the length of the practice sequence Note: if the number is changed here, list.digitsequence_practice might also need to be updated sequenceLengthTest: the length of the test sequence Note: if the number is changed here, list.digitsequence might also need to be updated debugmode: true (1): the script is run in debugmode (target alerts are presented on screen) false (0): the script is run in test mode (default)