User Manual: Inquisit International Physical Activity Questionnaire (long form)


								International Physical Activity Questionnaire – Long Form (IPAQ)
														-7-day period-
								(Spanish version)

Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. ( for Millisecond Software, LLC
Date: 09-20-2023
last updated:  09-26-2023 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software, LLC

Script Copyright © 09-26-2023 Millisecond Software


This script implements Millisecond's computerized version of the  International Physical Activity Questionnaire – Long Form (IPAQ).
The IPAQ is freely available.

more information as well as forms in several language available at:

Official Scoring protocol ('scoring_protocol.pdf'):

publicly available scoring script in R by M. Ponce-de-Leon:
(Note: Millisecond Software has no further knowledge of the accuracy of the implemented scoring criteria)

This script runs Millisecond's best effort attempt to code summary variables such as 
MET-scores and categorial assessment of physical activity (PAL score)
according to the guidelines outlined in 'scoring_protocol.pdf' 
(downloaded at: 
Coding may, however, still differ from intended purposes or contain errors. 

If in doubt, manually score the obtained raw responses.


Booth, M.L. (2000). Assessment of Physical Activity: An International Perspective. Research Quarterly for Exercise
and Sport, 71 (2): s114-20.

Craig, C. L., Marshall, A. L., Sjöström, M., Bauman, A. E., Booth, M. L., Ainsworth, B. E., Pratt, M., Ekelund, U., Yngve, A., Sallis, J. F., & Oja, P. (2003).
International physical activity questionnaire: 12-country reliability and validity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 35(8), 1381–1395.


from webpage:
"The International Physical Activity Questionnaires (IPAQ) comprises a set of 4 questionnaires.
Long (5 activity domains asked independently) and short (4 generic items) versions for use by
either telephone or self-administered methods are available. The purpose of the questionnaires
is to provide common instruments that can be used to obtain internationally comparable data on
health–related physical activity."


the default set-up of the script takes appr. 15 minutes to complete

The fields in the data files are:

(1) Raw data file: 'ipaq.iqdat'

date, time:						date and time script was run with the current group/subjectnumber 
subject, group, session:	  	with the current subject/groupnumber/session id
build:							the Inquisit build 

q*_response:					response given (in assigned values)

								q1: 1 = participants reports to have a job; 0 = otherwise (MET_work => 0)
								/////at Work///////
								q2: 1 = participant entered number of days for VIGOROUS PA at work (see q2other_response for actual number); 0 = no VIGOROUS PA at work
								q3a: stores the horas por día of VIGOROUS PA for work
								q3b: stores the minutos por día of VIGOROUS PA for work
									(Note: total time spent on VIGOROUS PA for work = (hours*60) + minutes)
								q4: 1 = participant entered number of days for MODERATE PA at work (see q4other_response for actual number); 0 = no MODERATE PA at work
								q5a: stores the horas por día of MODERATE PA for work
								q5b: stores the minutos por día of MODERATE PA for work								

								q6: 1 = participant entered number of days for WALKING at work (see q6other_response for actual number); 0 = no WALKING at work
								q7a: stores the horas por día of WALKING for work
								q7b: stores the minutos por día of WALKING for work	
								q8: 1 = participant entered number of days for using car/bus etc during transportation activites (see q8other_response for actual number); 0 = no vehicle use during transportation activites
								q9a: stores the horas por día of vehicle use during transportation activites
								q9b: stores the minutos por día of vehicle use during transportation activites	
									(Note: q8 does NOT contribute to PA)
								q10: 1 = participant entered number of days for CYCLING PA during transportation activites (see q10other_response for actual number); 0 = no CYCLING PA during transportation activites
								q11a: stores the horas por día of CYCLING PA during transportation activites
								q11b: stores the minutos por día of CYCLING PA during transportation activites				

								q12: 1 = participant entered number of days for WALKING during transportation activites (see q12other_response for actual number); 0 = no WALKING during transportation activites
								q13a: stores the horas por día of WALKING during transportation activites
								q13b: stores the minutos por día of WALKING during transportation activites									
								q14: 1 = participant entered number of days for VIGOROUS outside chores (see q14other_response for actual number); 0 = no VIGOROUS outside chores
								q15a: stores the horas por día of VIGOROUS outside chores
								q15b: stores the minutos por día of VIGOROUS outside chores
								q16: 1 = participant entered number of days for MODERATE outside chores (see q16other_response for actual number); 0 = no MODERATE outside chores
								q17a: stores the horas por día of MODERATE outside chores
								q17b: stores the minutos por día of MODERATE outside chores							

								q18: 1 = participant entered number of days for MODERATE inside chores (see q18other_response for actual number); 0 = no MODERATE inside chores
								q19a: stores the horas por día of MODERATE inside chores
								q19b: stores the minutos por día of MODERATE inside chores
								/////Leisure Time///////
								q20: 1 = participant entered number of days for WALKING during leisure time (see q20other_response for actual number); 0 = no WALKING during leisure time
								q21a: stores the horas por día of WALKING during leisure time
								q21b: stores the minutos por día of WALKING during leisure time										
								q22: 1 = participant entered number of days for VIGOROUS PA during leisure time (see q2other_response for actual number); 0 = no VIGOROUS PA during leisure time
								q23a: stores the horas por día of VIGOROUS PA during leisure time
								q23b: stores the minutos por día of VIGOROUS PA during leisure time
								q24: 1 = participant entered number of days for MODERATE PA during leisure time (see q4other_response for actual number); 0 = no MODERATE PA during leisure time
								q25a: stores the horas por día of MODERATE PA during leisure time
								q25b: stores the minutos por día of MODERATE PA during leisure time		
								q26a: stores the horas por día of SITTING time during a WEEK DAY
								q26b: stores the minutos por día of SITTING time during a WEEK DAY
								q27a: stores the horas por día of SITTING time during a WEEKEND DAY
								q27b: stores the minutos por día of SITTING time during a WEEKEND DAY
q*_latency:						how much time (in ms) the participant spent on the surveypage with this particular 
								question (the last time this particular surveypage was visited)
NOTE: if participants are allowed to navigate back and forth on survey pages (default),
it is possible the raw data files store data that are not considered for summary variable analyses.
example: participant enters 'work related' vigorous hours at 1 hour and 10 minutes (q3a + q3b) but later changes
their answer to question q2 to 'no work related vigorous activities'. In this case, the answer to q2 overrides the
earlier entered responses to q3a+q3b for summary variable analyses (= minutes of work related vigorous activity will be 0)
but the last responses to q3a/q3b are still stored in the raw data file.	

To change navigation settings, go to element.survey_long and follow instructions.

(2) Summary data file: 'ipaq_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

inquisit.version:			Inquisit version run
computer.platform:			the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
startDate:					date script was run
startTime:					time script was started
subjectId:					assigned subject id number
groupId:					assigned group id number
sessionId:					assigned session id number
elapsedTime:				time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script
completed:					0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 
							1 = script was completed (all conditions run)	
///////////Explanation of Abbreviations////////////////
met: Metabolic equivalent of a task	

pa: Physical Activity
vpa: Vigorous Physical Activity
mpa: Moderate Physical Activity
pal: Physical Activity Level

dpw: Days per Week exercised 
mpd: minutos por días exercised			

Continues Measure of Physical Activity (PA): MET-minute scores
From 'scoring_protocol.pdf' (p.3):
"METs are multiples of the resting metabolic rate and a MET-minute is computed by multiplying
the MET score of an activity by the minutes performed. MET-minute scores are
equivalent to kilocalories for a 60 kilogram person."
(MET scores used in this script reported in 'scoring_protocol.pdf', p.7-8)

//////////MET-scores by domain (see 'scoring_protocol.pdf', p.7-8)

/////at WORK: 
metVPAAtWork:					calculated as 	= 8.0*DPW_VPA_atWork*MPD_VPA_atWork_capped* 
metMPAAtWork:					calculated as 	= 4.0*DPW_MPA_atWork*MPD_MPA_atWork_capped					
metWalkingAtWork:				calculated as 	= 3.3*DPW_walking_atWork*MPD_walking_atWork_capped
metAtWork:						sum of all MET 'atWork' scores

* capped = by default scripts automatically limits number of minutes exercised per day for any of the three categories to 180minutes (3 hours)
for the purpose of computing MET scores.
To use uncapped scores, set parameters.useCappedMinutes (section Editable Parameters) to false.

metCycleTransportation: 		calculated as = 6.0*DPW_cycle_transport*MPD_cycle_transport_capped (Note: counted as moderate activity)
metWalkingTransportation:	 	calculated as = 3.3*DPW_walking_transport*MPD_walking_transport_capped
metTransportation:				sum of all MET 'transportation' scores

metVPAOutsideChores:			calculated as 	= 5.5*DPW_VPA_outsideChores*MPD_VPA_outsideChores_capped (Note: counted as moderate activity)
metMPAOutsideChores:			calculated as 	= 4.0*DPW_MPA_outsideChores*MPD_MPA_outsideChores_capped
metMPAInsideChores:			calculated as 	= 3.0*DPW_MPA_insideChores*MPD_MPA_insideChores_capped
metChores:						sum of all MET 'chores' scores

metVPALeisure:				calculated as 	= 8.0*DPW_VPA_leisure*MPD_VPA_leisure_capped	
metMPALeisure:				calculated as 	= 4.0*DPW_MPA_leisure*MPD_MPA_leisure_capped				
metWalkingLeisure:			calculated as 	= 3.3*DPW_walking_leisure*MPD_walking_leisure_capped
metLeisure:					sum of all MET 'leisure' scores

//////////vigorous, moderate and walking categories across domains

!!!Note: if parameters.useCappedMinutes = true (default) => 
MET_VPA is capped at 10080 MET min/week to be comparable to Short form
MET_MPA is capped at 5040 MET min/week to be comparable to Short form
MET_walking is capped at 4158 MET min/week to be comparable to Short form

metVPA: 						overall MET-minute score for vigorous physical activity (across domains)
										Note: according to 'scoring_protocol.pdf' (p.8) calculated as
										sum of (MET_VPA_atWork + MET_VPA_leisure)

metMPA: 						overall MET-minute score for moderate physical activity (across domains) 
										Note: according to 'scoring_protocol.pdf' (p.7) calculated as
										sum of (MET_MPA_atWork + MET_cycle_transportation + MET_VPA_outsideChores + MET_MPA_outsideChores + MET_MPA_insideChores + MET_MPA_leisure)
metWalking: 					overall MET-minute score for moderate physical activity (across domains) 			
										Note: according to 'scoring_protocol.pdf' (p.7) calculated as
										sum of (MET_walking_atWork + MET_walking_transportation + MET_walking_leisure)

/////////overal MET-minute score
metTotal: 						overall MET-minute score 
										calculated as the sum of the MET-minute scores for (MET_VPA + MET_MPA + MET_walking)

Categorical Measure of Physical Activity (PA): 
Criteria to score Physical Activity Level are described in 'scoring_protocal.pdf', p. 8/9
disclaimer: best guess interpretation of the criteria

pal:								Physical Activity Level (LOW, MODERATE, HIGH)							

highCriterium1:					1 = participant fulfilled high_criterium1, IF SO (PAL = HIGH); 0 = otherwise 
												criterium: vigorous-intensity activity on at least 3 days achieving a minimum Total physical activity of at least 1500 MET-minutes/week)
												calculation in this script:
												if (expressions.DPW_VPA >= 3 AND expressions.MET_total >= 1500) => return '1' else return '0'
												DPW_VPA: 		stores the number of days of vigorous physical activity (>= 10min) reported as the simple sum of (DPW_atWork + DPW_leisure)
												MET_total:			sum of all MET scores												
highCriterium2:						1 = participant fulfilled high_criterium2, IF SO (PAL = HIGH); 0 = otherwise 
												criterium: 7 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous-intensity activities achieving a minimum Total physical activity of at least 3000 MET-minutes/week.
												Calculation in this script: 
												if (expressions.DPW_PA >= 7 AND expressions.MET_total >= 3000) => return '1' else return '0'
												DPW_PA:		sum of (DPW_VPA + DPW+MPA + DPW_walking)
												MET_total:		sum of all MET  scores												
moderateCriterium1:				1 = participant fulfilled moderate_criterium1, IF SO (PAL = MODERATE); 0 = otherwise 
												criterium: 3 or more days of vigorous-intensity activity of at least 20 minutes per day
												Calculation in this script: 
												if (DPW_VPA_20) => return '1' else return '0'
												DPW_VPA_20min: 		Days Per Week of VPA (vigorous physical activity) of at least 20 minutes per day:
												This script sums the number of reported 'at work' days of at
												least 20 minutes of vigorous activity AND the number of reported 'leisure'
												days of at least 20 minutes of vigorous activity separately and then uses the sum of these days as DPW_VPA_30
moderateCriterium2:				1 = participant fulfilled moderate_criterium2, IF SO (PAL = MODERATE); 0 = otherwise 
												criterium: 5 or more days of moderate-intensity activity and/or walking of at least 30 minutes per day
												Calculation in this script (analogous to calculation for ipaq_short):
												if (DPW_MPAandWALK >= 5 AND expressions.totalMinutes_MPAandWALK/5 >= 30) => return '1' else return '0'
												DPW_MPAandWALK:			the combined DPWs for MPA and walking (simple addition) 
												totalMinutes_MPAandWALK: sum of the totalMinutes MPA and walking
moderateCriterium3:				1 = participant fulfilled moderate_criterium3, IF SO (PAL = MODERATE); 0 = otherwise 
												criterium: 5 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous intensity activities achieving a minimum Total physical activity of at least 600 MET-minutes/week.
												Calculation in this script:
												if (expressions.DPW_PA >= 5 AND expressions.MET_total >= 600) => return '1' else return '0'
												DPW_PA:		sum of (DPW_VPA + DPW+MPA + DPW_walking)
												MET_total:		sum of all MET  scores
//PA days and total minutes of PA during the last 7 days per category (VPA, MPA, walking) and overall

dpwVPA: 						Days Per Week of VPA (vigorous physical activity of at least 10 minutes)
dpwVPA20min: 					Days Per Week of VPA (vigorous physical activity) of at least 20 minutes per day:
									a) This script sums the number of reported 'at work' days of at
									least 20 minutes of vigorous activity AND the number of reported 'leisure'
									days of at least 20 minutes of vigorous activity (used for moderate criterium 1 in this script)
									b) It is unclear if that is the intended translation (check publicly available R-script
									for an alternative interpretation)
totalMinutesVPA:				total number of minutes of vigorous physical activity in a week (the last 7 days)
dpwMPA: 						Days Per Week of MPA (moderate physical activity) 
totalMinutesMPA:				total number of minutes of moderate physical activity in the last 7 days												

dpwWalking: 					Days Per Week of Walking
totalMinutesWalking:			total number of minutes of walking in the last 7 days												

totalMinutesPA:				total number of minutes of physical activity in the last 7 days

dpwMPAandWALK:					the combined DPWs for MPA and walking (simple addition) 
totalMinutesMPAandWALK: 		sum of the totalMinutes MPA and walking 

//DPW (days per week physical exercise) and MPD (minutos por día physical exercise) per domain

at work
dpwVPAAtWork: 				stores the number of days of vigorous physical activity reported at Work (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdVPAAtWork:					stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the vigorous activity at Work on these days
mpdVPAAtWorkCapped:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the vigorous activity at Work on these days, capped at 180 minutes max (3 hours) 														
totalMinutesVPAAtWork:		stores the total reported number of minutes spent on vigorous exercise at work (NOT based on capped time)

dpwMPAAtWork: 				stores the number of days of moderate physical activity reported at Work (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdMPAAtWork:					stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the moderate activity at Work on these days
mpdMPAAtWorkCapped:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the moderate activity at Work on these days, capped at 180 minutes max (3 hours) 														
totalMinutesMPAAtWork:		stores the total reported number of minutes spent on moderate exercise at work (NOT based on capped time)												
dpwWalkingAtWork: 			stores the number of days of walking physical activity reported at Work (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdWalkingAtWork:				stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the walking activity at Work on these days
mpdWalkingAtWork:				stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the walking activity at Work on these days, capped at 180 minutes (3 hours) 														
totalMinutesWalkingAtWork:	stores the total reported number of minutes spent on walking exercise at work	(NOT based on capped time)	
dpwCycleTransportation: 			stores the number of days of cycle physical activity reported during transportation (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdCycleTransportation:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the cycle activity during transportation on these days
mpdCycleTransportationCapped:	stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the cycle activity during transportation on these days, capped at 180 minutes (3 hours) 														
totalMinutesCycleTransportation:	stores the total reported number of minutes spent on cycling during transportation (NOT based on capped time)															
dpwWalkingTransportation: 	stores the number of days of walking physical activity reported during transportation (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdWalkingTransportation:		stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the walking activity during transportation on these days
mpdWalkingTransportation:		stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the walking activity during transportation on these days, capped at 180 minutes (3 hours) 														
totalMinutesWalkingTransportation: stores the total reported number of minutes spent on walking during transportation (NOT based on capped time)																
dpwVPAOutsideChores: 			stores the number of days of vigorous physical activity reported during outside chores (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdVPAOutsideChores:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the cycle activity during outside chores on these days
mpdVPAOutsideChores:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the cycle activity during outside chores on these days, capped at 180 minutes (3 hours) 														
totalMinutesVPAOutsideChores:	stores the total reported number of minutes spent on vigorous outside chores (NOT based on capped time)															

dpwMPAOutsideChores: 			stores the number of days of moderate physical activity reported during outside chores (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdMPAOutsideChores:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the moderate activity during outside chores on these days
mpdMPAOutsideChores:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the moderate activity during outside chores on these days, capped at 180 minutes (3 hours) 														
totalMinutesMPAOutsideChores:	stores the total reported number of minutes spent on moderate outside chores (NOT based on capped time)														
dpwMPAInsideChores: 			stores the number of days of walking physical activity reported during inside chores (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdMPAInsideChores:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the walking activity during inside chores on these days
mpdMPAInsideChoresCapped:	stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the walking activity during inside chores on these days, capped at 180 minutes (3 hours) 														
totalMinutesMPAInsideChores:	stores the total reported number of minutes spent on moderate inside chores (NOT based on capped time)															
dpwVPALeisure: 				stores the number of days of vigorous physical activity reported at Work (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdVPALeisure:				stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the vigorous activity at Work on these days
mpdVPALeisureCapped:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the vigorous activity at Work on these days, capped at 180 minutes (3 hours) 														
totalMinutesVPALeisure:		stores the total reported number of minutes spent on vigorous physical activity during leisure time (NOT based on capped time)															

dpwMPALeisure: 				stores the number of days of moderate physical activity reported at Work (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdMPALeisure:				stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the moderate activity at Work on these days
mpdMPALeisureCapped:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the moderate activity at Work on these days, capped at 180 minutes (3 hours) 														
totalMinutesMPALeisure:		stores the total reported number of minutes spent on vigorous physical activity during leisure time (NOT based on capped time)																
dpwWalkingLeisure: 			stores the number of days of walking physical activity reported at Work (if nothing was reported, the data says 'missing data')
mpdWalkingLeisure:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the walking activity at Work on these days
mpdWalkingLeisure:			stores the reported time (in minutes) spent on the walking activity at Work on these days, capped at 180 minutes (3 hours) 							
totalMinutesWalkingLeisure:	stores the total reported number of minutes spent on walking during leisure time (NOT based on capped time)										

minSittingWeekday:			the total number of minutes spent sitting on weekdays during the last 7 days
minSittingWeekend:			the total number of minutes spent sitting on weekend days during the last 7 days
minSitting:					the total number of minutes spent sitting during the last 7 days

Non PA-transportation (car, bus etc.)
dpwNonPATransportation:		days per week using non-PA transportation (car, bus, train etc.) 
mpdNonPATransportation:		minutos por día using non-PA transportation (car, bus, train etc.) 

Optional columns that could be used to analyse the responses using the
publicly available R-script by M. Ponce-de-Leon:

Note: the R-script requires a data file with 25 data columns





/ useCappedMinutes = true   //True: If TRUE all individually reported walking, moderate and vigorous times (in each domain) 
								//are capped at 180min (3 hours) per day for the purpose of MET min/week calculations. 
								//The max reported MET times for vigorous, moderate, and walking
								//calculated ACDOSS the different domains are further capped at the 
								//max. values used in the IPAQ-Short form:
								//VPA: 10080 MET min/week
								//MPA: 5040 MET min/week
								//walking: 4158 MET min/week
							//False: the uncapped values are used for MET min/week calculations

/ runFeedbackPage = true    //true: participants is informed about MET scores and physical fitness category 
							//false: no feedback is provided for participants

/ low = "BAJO"				//word used in optional feedback report for LOW level of PA (useful for translations)
/ moderate = "MODERADO"		//word used in optional feedback report for MODERATE level of PA
/ high = "ALTO" 			//word used in optional feedback report for HIGH level of PA