User Manual: Inquisit Anxiety Sensitivity Index - 3 (ASI-3)


								Anxiety Sensitivity Index - 3 (ASI-3)

Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. ( for Millisecond Software, LLC
Date: 01-10-2024
last updated:  01-10-2024 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software, LLC

Script Copyright © 01-10-2024 Millisecond Software


This script implements Millisecond's computerized version of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index- 3 (ASI-3)
by Taylor et al (2007), a revised version of the original Anxiety Index (ASI, Reiss et al, 1986)
with ratings on three distinct subscales: Physical Concerns, Cognitive Concerns and Social Concerns.


Reiss, S., Peterson, R. A., Gursky, D. M., & McNally, R. J. (1986). Anxiety sensitivity, anxiety frequency
and the prediction of fearfulness. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 24(1), 1–8.

Taylor, S., Zvolensky, M. J., Cox, B. J., Deacon, B., Heimberg, R. G., Ledley, D. R., Abramowitz, J. S., 
Holaway, R. M., Sandin, B., Stewart, S. H., Coles, M., Eng, W., Daly, E. S., Arrindell, W. A., Bouvard, M., 
& Cardenas, S. J. (2007). Robust Dimensions of Anxiety Sensitivity: Development and Initial Validation of the 
Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3. Psychological Assessment, 19(2), 176–188.


self-report measure consisting of 18 5-point Likert Scale questions on three subscales
the default set-up of the script takes appr. 1.5 minute to complete

The fields in the data files are:

(1) Raw data file: 'asi3.iqdat'

date, time:						date and time script was run with the current group/subjectnumber 
subject, group, session:	  	with the current subject/groupnumber/session id
build:							the Inquisit build 

q*_response:					response given (in assigned values)
								Scale: 0 (very little) - 4 (very much)
								no reversed coded questions
q*_latency:						how much time (in ms) the participant spent on the surveypage with this particular 
								question (the last time this particular surveypage was visited)

(2) Summary data file: 'asi3_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant)

inquisit.version:				Inquisit version run
computer.platform:				the platform the script was run on (win/mac/ios/android)
startDate:						date script was run
startTime:						time script was started
subjectId:						assigned subject id number
groupId:						assigned group id number
sessionId:						assigned session id number
elapsedTime:					time it took to run script (in ms); measured from onset to offset of script
completed:						0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 
								1 = script was completed (all conditions run)	
asi3Total:						the sum of all individual scores (range: 0-64)	
								The higher the score the higher Anxiety Sensitivity
asi3PC:						Physical Concerns = 3,4,7,8,12,15 (range: 0-24)
asi3CC:						Cognitive Concerns = 2,5,10,14,16,18 (range: 0-24)
asi3SC:						Social Concerns = 1,6,9,11,13,17(range: 0-24) 	 							
+ individual responses