Probabilistic Reversal Learning Task
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Probabilistic Reversal Learning Task
A simple learning task by Cools et al (2002) in which participants learn probabilistic reward contingencies associated with two responses, and them must relearn when those contingencies are reversed.

Cools R, Clark L, Owen AM, Robbins TW. (2002). Defining the neural mechanisms of probabilistic reversal learning using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging. J Neurosci. 2002;22:4563–4567.
Remijnse, Nielen, Uylings, & Veltman. (2005). Neural correlates of a reversal learning task with an affectively neutral baseline: An event-related fMRI study. Neuroimage, 26(2), 609-618.
Remijnse, P., Nielen, M., Van Balkom, A., Cath, D., Van Oppen, P., Uylings, H., & Veltman, D. (2006). Reduced Orbitofrontal-Striatal Activity on a Reversal Learning Task in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63(11), 1225-1236.
Waegeman, A., Declerck, C.H, Boone, C., Seurinck, R. & Parizel, P.M. (2014). Individual Differences in Behavioral Flexibility in a Probabilistic Reversal Learning Task: An fMRI Study. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, Vol. 7, No. 4, 203–218
Oemisch, Mariann, Watson, Marcus R., Womelsdorf, Thilo, & Schubo, Anna. (2017). Changes of Attention during Value-Based Reversal Learning Are Tracked by N2pc and Feedback-Related Negativity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 540.