Returns onset time of the stimulus.
<button> <clearScreen> <clock> <html> <picture> <port> <shape> <sound> <systemBeep> <text> <video> <xid>
Read Only
The onset time is the point at which the stimulus is presented relative to the start of the trial. If a stimulus is presented multiple times in a trial, the onset times for each presentation can be obtained by treating property as an array and specifying the index of the presentation to return.
The following displays the value of stimulusOnset in a text stimulus:
<text myText>
/ items = ("stimulusOnset = <% text.myText.stimulusOnset[0] %>")
The following displays the value of stimulusOnset in an instruction page:
<page myPage>
stimulusonset = <% stimulusOnset.negativestimulusonsets.stimulusOnset[0] %>