Language Reference

The following are all elements supported by the Inquisit scripting language.


clock: Presents a timer or clock on the screen.
html: Selects and presents html content.
picture: Selects and presents graphics stimuli.
port: Selects and presents 8-bit codes through a serial or parallel port.
shape: Selects and presents rectangle, triangle, or circle stimuli.
sound: Selects and presents sound stimuli.
systembeep: Presents a beep using the internal system speaker.
text: Selects and presents text-based stimuli.
video: Selects and presents video stimuli.
xid: Selects and presents xid signals to Cedrus devices.
button: Presents a clickable button.
item: Defines the items in a stimulus set.

Trials and Tasks

trial: Presents stimulus sequences and measuring responses.
likert: Presents stimuli and gathers likert ratings.
openended: Presents stimuli and gathers openended responses.
surveypage : Presents a page of survey questions.
response: Defines a response procedure for use by expt, block or trial.

Block of Trials

block: Runs sequences of trials and presents instructions.
survey: Presents a sequence of survey pages.


instruct: Controls instruction page browser.
page: Presents text as instruction page.
htmlpage: Presents html as instruction page.


batch: Defines a batch element that runs a sequence of scripts.
expt: Runs sequences of blocks and presents instructions.
include: List of other script files to parse along with the current script.

Data Recording

data: Defines how data is recorded to file.
summarydata: Defines how a single line of summary data is recorded to file.
datastream: Defines a stream of continuous data to be recorded to file.


survey: Presents a sequence of survey pages.
surveypage : Presents a page of survey questions.
caption: Presents a survey item consisting of only a caption.
checkboxes: Presents a checkbox survey item.
dropdown: Presents a dropdown list survey item of mutually exclusive response options.
image: Presents a survey item consisting only of a image and optional caption.
listbox: Presents a listbox survey item of mutually exclusive response options.
radiobuttons: Presents a radiobutton survey item of mutually exclusive response options.
slider: Presents a slider survey item for selection of a response along a continuum.
textbox: Presents a textbox survey item for text entry.

Lists, Sorting, and Random Selection

list: A list data structure for storing and selecting arbitrary items.
counter: Deprecated list structure for storing and selecting arbitrary items.

Values and Expressions

script: Define glocal variables and functions in JavaScript.
parameters: Stores configurable settings that determine the behavior of a script.
values: Stores values that can be retrieved and updated throughout the experiment.
expressions: Stores expressions that can be used throughout the experiment.

Implicit Objects

global namespace: Has global properties for colors, mathematical constants, and functions.
script: Has properties representing the script and data collection session.
display: Has properties of the graphics display system.
computer: Has properties of the computer.
inquisit: Has properties of the currently running instance of Inquisit.
joystick: Has properties indicating the current state of a DirectX-compliant joystick. (Windows only)
mouse: Has properties indicating the current state of the mouse.

Eye Tracking

eyetracker: Core functionality for interacting with eye trackers.
eyetracker (Tobii): Tobii-specific extensions of eyetracker element for use with Tobii eye tracking systems.
eyetracker (SR Research Eyelink): EyeLink-specific extensions of eyetracker element for use with SR Research EyeLink eye tracking systems.

Other Elements

defaults: Sets default values for key attributes of elements.
monkey: Defines performance characteristics for the Inquisit test monkey.