Indicates whether a recording of audio is captured during the expt, block, or trial.
<block> <expt> <likert> <openended> <sliderTrial> <survey> <surveyPage> <trial>
A value of true or 1 indicates the soundCapture will be saved, false or 0 indicates it will not. Changes to this property must be made before the expt, block, or trial runs.
The following displays the value of soundCapture in a text stimulus:
<text myText>
/ items= ("soundCapture = <% trial.q1.soundCapture %>")
The following displays the value of soundCapture in an instruction page:
<page myPage>
soundCapture = <% trial.q2.soundCapture %>
The following enables recording if the subject was taking longer than expected in the last block:
<block myBlock>
/ trials=[1-5=practicetrial; 6-10=testtrial)]
/ onBlockBegin = { if (values.lastblockresponseTimes > 1000) block.myBlock.soundCapture = true;}