Determines whether or not the presentation of the given stimulus should be skipped.
<button> <clearScreen> <clock> <html> <picture> <port> <shape> <sound> <systemBeep> <text> <video> <xid>
This property provides an easy way to remove stimuli from the stimulus presentation sequence. A value of true (or a nonzero number) indicates the stimulus will be not be presented, even if it is listed among the stimulusFrames for the current trial. A value of false (or zero) it will be presented as usual. By default, skip is false for all stimuli.
The following displays the value of skip in a text stimulus:
<text myText>
/ items= ("skip = <% text.myText.skip %>")
The following displays the value of skip in an instruction page:
<page myPage>
skip = <% text.myText.skip %>