Whether a trial should play a video or sound stimulus to the end before moving to the next trial.
<button> <clock> <html> <picture> <port> <shape> <sound> <systemBeep> <text> <video> <xid>
A value of 1 indicates the media should be played in its entirety, 0 indicates it may be interrupted once the trial is complete.
This property feature is useful for dynamically changing the playThrough setting of sounds during runtime.
The following displays the value of playThrough in a text stimulus:
<text myText>
/ items= ("playThrough = <% text.myText.playThrough %>")
The following displays the value of playThrough in an instruction page:
<page myPage>
playThrough = <% text.myText.playThrough %>
This code example shows how to dynamically adapt the playthrough setting of a sound depending on performance. For incorrect responses participants have to listen to the entire feedback sound; for correct responses participants don't.
<trial myTrial>
/ stimulusFrames = [1 = myStim]
/ validResponse = ("A", "B")
/ correctResponse = ("B")
/ onTrialEnd = {
if (this.correct){
sound.feedbackSound.playThrough = false;
} else {
sound.feedbackSound.playThrough = true;
/ branch = {
return trial.feedback;