The time in milliseconds between the start and finish of the last drag/drop gesture.
<trial> <likert> <openended> <sliderTrial> <surveyPage>
Read Only
The start of the time interval is the initiation of a drag gesture. The end of the interval is when the item is successfully dropped.
The following displays the value of lastDropLatency in a text stimulus:
<text myText>
/ items= ("last drop target = <% trial.lastDropLatency %>")
This code demonstrate how to use the 'lastDropLatency' to calculate the onsettime of the dragging movement at trial conclusion (Note: 'this' represents 'trial.myTrial' in this context).
<trial myTrial>
/ inputDevice = dragDrop
/ stimulusFrames = [1 = target, dot]
/ validResponse = (target)
/ onTrialEnd = {
values.dragDuration = this.lastDropLatency;
values.dropRT = this.latency;
values.dragStart = values.dropRT - values.dragDuration;