Determines whether a stimulus is erased at the end of a trial.
<button> <clock> <html> <picture> <port> <shape> <sound> <systemBeep> <text> <video> <xid>
A value of 1 indicates the stimulus will be erased. A value of 0 indicates it will not.
The following displays the value of erase in a text stimulus:
<text myText>
/ items= ("erase = <% text.myText.erase %>")
The following displays the value of erase in an instruction page:
<page myPage>
erase = <% text.myText.erase %>
The following code demonstrates how to change the 'erase' status of picture 'examplePic' for block 'exampleIntro'. 'ExamplePic' will not get erased at the end of each trial during block 'exampleIntro' and thus can be presented without a 'flicker'. However, for subsequent presentations the 'erase' status is revoked at the end of the block.
<block exampleIntro>
/ onBlockBegin = {
picture.examplePic.erase = false;
/ trials = [1-3 = instructions]
/ onBlockEnd = {
picture.examplePic.erase = true;