The textual content of an instruction page.
The following displays the value of content in a text stimulus:
<text myText>
/ items= ("content = <% page.myPage.content %>")
The following displays the value of content in an instruction page:
<page myPage>
content = <% htmlpage.myPage.content %>
The following code edits the content of page.instruct slighly for a repeat of block.practice due to low practice performance. Specifically, it adds 'Try again!' to the original content of the page before block.practice is repeated.
<block practice>
/ preInstructions = (instruct1)
/ trials = [1 = practice]
/ branch = {
if (trial.practice.error){
page.instruct1.content = "Try again!<br>" + page.instruct1.content;
return block.practice;
return null;