Resets the stimulus frames for a trial to their original state when the script was first parsed.
The resetStimulusFrames function resets the /stimulusTimes command to its original values when the script was parsed. If the /stimulusTimes for a given trial has been dynamically modified using the setStimulusFrame, insertStimulusFrame, and/or removeStimulusFrame functions, this function restores the stimuluframes to their original state before these commands were called.
The following resets all of the stimuli from a trial:
<trial myTrial>
/ stimulusTimes = [0=fmask;2=prime;3=bmask;7=target]
/ onTrialEnd= [trial.myTrial.resetStimulusFrames();]
The following clears all of the stimuli from surveypage:
<surveypage myPage>
/ onTrialEnd= [surveypage.myPage.resetStimulusFrames();]