up Inquisit Language Reference

subjects attribute

The subjects attribute enables between-subject variation of experiment procedures.

Member of

<batch> <expt>


/ subjects = (integer, integer, integer, ... of modulus)


Name Type Description
integer integer A positive integer indicating which subject numbers should run the experiment.
modulus integer A positive integer indicating the modulus.


The subjects attribute allows you to run different expts depending on the subject number that is entered when you run an Inquisit script. If given subject number will run the experiment if the following is true:

integer = remainder( subjectnumber / modulus )

Multiple expts can be defined in the script, allowing different subject numbers to be assigned to different experimental conditions. A single subject number can be assigned to multiple expts, in which case all of the assigned expts will be run for that subject number in the order they appear in the script.


The following expt is run for odd numbered subjects:

/ blocks=[1-20=noreplace(testtrials, distractortrials)]
/ subjects = (1 of 2)

The following expt is run for even numbered subjects:

/ blocks=[1-20=noreplace(testtrials, distractortrials)]
/ subjects = (2 of 2)

The following expt is run for second of every four subjects (i.e. subject numbers 2, 6, 10, 14, ...):

/ blocks=[1-20=noreplace(testtrials, distractortrials)]
/ subjects = (1 of 4)

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