up Inquisit Language Reference

inputDevice attribute

The inputDevice attribute determines the inputDevice subjects use to advance through series of instruction pages.

Member of



/ inputDevice = device


Name Type Description
device inputdeviceenum
comCOM serial port device.
dragDropDrag and drop gesture.
eyeTrackerEye tracker.
gamepadGamepad controller.
keyboardStandard keyboard.
lptLPT parallel port device.
lptDataLPT parallel port device using the data register.
mouseStandard mouse or track pad.
mouseKeyMouse button.
mouseOverMouse cursor position.
speechSpeech recognizer.
touchScreenA touch screen device.
voiceKeyThe onset of a verbal response.
voiceRecordThe onset of a recorded verbal response.
xidA Cedrus response pad.


If keyboard, serialport1, serialport2, lpt1, or lpt2 are selected, the specific keys/values to navigate backwards and forwards through the pages are specified by the PrevKey and NextKey attributes, respectively. If mouse is specified, the mouse cursor will be visible on the screen and subject may click on the forward and backward buttons.


The following sets the default input device for instruction pages to the COM2 serial port:

/ inputDevice = com2

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