up Inquisit Language Reference

columns attribute

The columns attribute specifies which data columns to record to the data file.

Member of

<eyeTracker> <eyeTrackerSrResearch> <eyeTrackerTobii>


/ columns = (eyecolumn, eyecolumn, eyecolumn, property, property, property)


Name Type Description
property string Any property of any element may be listed as a data column.
eyecolumn eyetrackercolumnenum
dateThe current date.
focusFixationPixelXThe horizontal screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point.
focusFixationPixelYThe vertical screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point.
focusPixelXThe horizontal screen coordinate of the gaze point.
focusPixelYThe vertical screen coordinate of the gaze point.
groupThe group id.
hasFocusFixationWhether a fixation point was detected for either or both eyes.
hasLeftFixationWhether a fixation point was detected for the left eye.
hasRightFixationWhether a fixation point was detected for the left eye.
leftEyeXThe horizontal user coordinate of the left eye position.
leftEyeYThe vertical user coordinate of the left eye position.
leftEyeZThe distance user coordinate of the left eye position.
leftFixationPixelXThe horizontal screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point of the left eye.
leftFixationPixelYThe vertical screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point of the left eye.
leftGazeXThe horizontal user coordinate of the gaze point of the left eye.
leftGazeYThe vertical user coordinate of the gaze point of the left eye.
leftGazeZThe distance user coordinate of the gaze point of the left eye.
leftPixelXThe horizontal screen coordinate of the gaze point of the left eye.
leftPixelYThe vertical screen coordinate of the gaze point of the left eye.
leftPupilHeightThe height of the left pupil.
leftPupilWidthThe width of the left pupil.
leftValidityThe last validity score for left pupil gaze point data.
markerThe last event marker send to the eye tracker.
rightEyeXThe horizontal user coordinate of the right eye position.
rightEyeYThe vertical user coordinate of the right eye position.
rightEyeZThe distance user coordinate of the right eye position.
rightFixationPixelXThe horizontal screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point of the right eye.
rightFixationPixelYThe vertical screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point of the right eye.
rightGazeXThe horizontal user coordinate of the gaze point of the right eye.
rightGazeYThe vertical user coordinate of the gaze point of the right eye.
rightGazeZThe distance user coordinate of the gaze point of the right eye
rightPixelXThe horizontal screen coordinate of the gaze point of the right eye.
rightPixelYThe vertical screen coordinate of the gaze point of the right eye.
rightPupilHeightThe height of the rigth pupil.
rightPupilWidthThe width of the right pupil.
rightValidityThe last validity score for right pupil gaze point data.
sessionThe current session number for this participant.
subjectThe participant identifier.
timeThe current time.
timestampTimestamp from the eye tracker.


The columns attribute specifies the data values to be recorded to file and the column in which they are written. There are two types of columns that can be listed: 1) a reserved keyword representing a particular eye tracker data value, and 2) any property of any element defined in the script. The data values may be specified in any order. On each eye tracker mesage, Inquisit will write a single line of data consisting of each data value specified by the column. Columns will appear in the data file in the specified order.


The following records 10 columns to the data file:

/ columns=(date, time, groupId, subjectId, timestamp, leftpixelx, leftpixely, rightpixelx, rightpixely, leftvalidity, rightvalidity, values.totalearnings, values.dprime, script.elapsedTime)

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