This help topic
demonstrates how to create a simple demographic survey using the Inquisit Lab development environment. The
survey will include different types of responses, including radio buttons,
sliders, checkboxes, textboxes, list boxes and dropdown elements.
The tutorial will further cover the use of simple hypertext markup language (HTML) to format survey
Set the font styles for your survey
The survey element also defines the default appearance of the survey elements.
For example, you can define the default font styles and font sizes used
throughout your survey. Note that you can always overwrite these settings in
the individual survey question elements.
To select a specific fontstyle, start typing "/ fontstyle" inside the <survey> element, and autocomplete list will appear. Select the "fontstyle" option.
Upon inserting the option, the autocomplete list will display a "Font..." option in the list. Choose this to launch the visual font picker. Choose your font settings and click OK, and Inquisit will
insert the corresponding syntax into your script.
Add the "itemfontstyle" and "responsefontstyle" in the same manner. The "itemfontstyle" attribute specifies how the individual question captions will look.
The "responsefontstyle" specifies how the response options are presented.
Test your script
Test your survey by clicking "Run" button in the Inquisit Lab toolbar.
You will be prompted to add a subject id, group id, and session number. Use with the defaults.
Inquisit will present your gender question on the screen, which should look like the following:
Click the Finish button without answering the question.
The survey won't let us skip the gender question. By default, all survey questions are required. If no answer is given, the question is printed in red and must be answered to proceed.
To make a question optional, add the command "/required = false" to the question.
Create the next question using the <dropdown> element.
This question will ask participants' age. We present this question in a dropdown menu and our participants can simply select the appropriate age category.
Our dropdown menu will offer 10 response options that we code under the '/option' attribute. Participants will only be able to select one of these options.
The '/optionvalues' attributes specifies the corresponding codes that will be stored in the data file. For example, if a participant selects the option '18-24 years old', the data file stores the value '3'.
Finally, we add the age question to surveypage "page1"
Finally, we add the age question to surveypage "page1"
Create the last question using the <textbox> element
The last question is a simple (optional) open-ended question to collect feedback from our participants.
We will implement this question on our last surveypage (page5) as a <textbox> element.
The question will present a textbox of a specified size (/textboxsize), will allow input on more than one line (/multiline = true) and will be optional (/required = false).
We will override the default responsefontstyle that we set under the <survey> element. The response in our textbox is presented in "Courier New" rather than "Arial". Furthermore, to demonstrate one more question attribute, we added a defaultresponse (/defaultresponse), which can be added to any of the survey elements:
Don't forget to add "page5" to the survey "simplesurvey"!
Run the survey to view the <textbox> item. Enter some text. Notice the /responsefontstyle of this <textbox> overrides the default fault.