Returns onset time of the stimulus.
<button> <clock> <picture> <port> <shape> <sound> <text> <video> <xid>
The onset time is the point at which the stimulus is presented relative to the start of the trial. If a stimulus is presented multiple times in a trial, the onset times for each presentation can be obtained by treating property as a collection and specifying the index of the presentation to return.
The following displays the value of stimulusonset in a text stimulus:
<text sometext>
/ items = ("stimulusonset = <% text.sometext.stimulusonset.1 %>")
The following displays the value of stimulusonset in an instruction page:
<page somepage>
stimulusonset = <% stimulusonset.negativestimulusonsets.stimulusonset.1 %>