up Inquisit Language Reference

select attribute

The select attribute determines the method by which individual items are selected for presentation on a given trial.

Member of

<counter> <picture> <port> <sound> <text> <video> <xid>


/ select = integer


/ select = selectionmode


/ select = selectionmode(pool)


/ select = dependency(stimulusname)


/ select = dependency(listname)


/ select = listname


integer An integer value.
selectionmode One of the following values:
Value Description
noreplace Randomly selects without replacement.
sequence Selects items in sequential order.
noreplacenorepeat Randomly selects without replacement and without selecting any single item multiple consecutive times.
noreplacecorrect Randomly selects without replacement unless an incorrect response is given.
noreplaceerror Randomly selects without replacement unless a correct response is given.
replace Randomly selects with replacement.
replacenorepeat Randomly selects with replacement and without selecting any single item multiple consecutive times.
constant Selects a single constant value.
dependency One of the following values:
Value Description
noreplacenot Randomly selects without replacement, reselecting the item if it matches the currently selected item of the specified stimulus or list.
replacenot Randomly selects with replacement, reselecting the item if it matches the currently selected item of the specified stimulus or list.
current Selects the current item of the specified stimulus or list.
next Selects the next item of the specified stimulus or list.
stimulusname The name of a stimulus defined elsewhere in the script.
listname The name of a list defined elsewhere in the script.
pool A set of numbers representing the selection pool.


The default value is noreplace.


On each trial, the following stimulus selects the vice president who served with the corresponding president:

<text vicepresidents>
/ items = vicepresidentitems
/ select = current(presidents)

The following first selects Jefferson, then Adams, and then Washington:

<text presidents>
/ items = ("George Washington", "John Adams", "Thomas Jefferson")
/ select = sequence(3, 2, 1)

The following randomly selects mountain pictures and ensures that the selected item isn't the same as the currently selected valley item:

<picture moutains>
/ items = ("rainier.bmp", "baker.jpg", "sainthelens.gif")
/ select = noreplacenot(valleys)

The following randomly selects sound files without replacement, except if an incorrect response is give on the trial:

<sound rock>
/ items = ("beatles.wav", "stones.wav", "thewho.wav")
/ select = noreplacecorrect

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