up Inquisit Language Reference

items attribute

The items attribute defines the items contained in the stimulus set.

Member of

<port> <xid>


/ items = itemname


/ items = ("binary", "binary", "binary",... )


/ items = (integer, integer, integer,... )


itemname The name of an item element defined elsewhere in the script.
binary A quoted string of exactly eight 1s and 0s.
integer An 8-bit value ranging from 0 to 255.


Items can be defined either by specifying the name of an <item element>, or by directly by listing each item in the set.

The items can be defined either as integer values ranging from 0 to 255, or as 8-bit binary strings of 0's and 1's, in which case each digits are listed left-to-right in descending bit order, with the leftmost digit representing the highest order bit and the rightmost digit representing the lowest order bit. See How to Present TTL Signals Through the Parallel Port for more details.


The following defines port items using binary strings:

<port portsignal>
/ port = LPT1
/ subport = data
/ items = ("00011101", "00000000", "11111111")

The following defines port items using integers:

<port portsignal>
/ port = LPT1
/ subport = data
/ items = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

The following defines xid port items using integers:

<xid stimtracker>
/ product = stimtracker
/ items = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

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