up Inquisit Language Reference

columns attribute

The columns attribute specifies which data columns to record to the data file.

Member of

<eyetracker> <eyetracker>


/ columns = (eyecolumn, eyecolumn, eyecolumn, property, property, property)


property Any property of any element may be listed as a data column. This includes custom properties defined in the values and expressions elements.
eyecolumn A predefined eye tracker column. Any of the following predefined columns are allowed:
Name Description
date date (mmddyy) of the experiment
time time (hh:mm) the experiment started
group group id entered at the beginning of an experiment
subject subject id entered at the beginning of an experiment
session session count for this participant
timestamp timestamp from the eye tracker
marker The last marker sent to the eye tracker before this message was received
leftpixelx The horizontal screen coordinate of the gaze point of the left eye reported by the eye tracker
leftpixely The vertical screen coordinate of the gaze point of the left eye reported by the eye tracker
rightpixelx The horizontal screen coordinate of the gaze point of the right eye reported by the eye tracker
rightpixely The vertical screen coordinate of the gaze point of the right eye reported by the eye tracker
focuspixelx The horizontal screen coordinate of the gaze point reported by the eye tracker
focuspixely The vertical screen coordinate of the gaze point reported by the eye tracker
leftgazex The horizontal user coordinate of the gaze point of the left eye reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
leftgazey The vertical user coordinate of the gaze point of the left eye reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
leftgazez The distance user coordinate of the gaze point of the left eye reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
rightgazex The horizontal user coordinate of the gaze point of the right eye reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
rightgazey The vertical user coordinate of the gaze point of the right eye reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
rightgazez The distance user coordinate of the gaze point of the right eye reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
lefteyex The horizontal user coordinate of the left eye position reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
lefteyey The vertical user coordinate of the left eye position reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
lefteyez The distance user coordinate of the left eye position reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
righteyex The horizontal user coordinate of the right eye position reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
righteyey The vertical user coordinate of the right eye position reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
righteyez The distance user coordinate of the right eye position reported by the eye tracker in (mm)
leftpupilwidth The width of the participant's left pupil as reported by the eye tracker
leftpupilheight The height of the participant's left pupil as reported by the eye tracker.
rightpupilwidth The width of the participant's right pupil as reported by the eye tracker
rightpupilheight The height of the participant's rigth pupil as reported by the eye tracker
leftvalidity The last validity score for left pupil gaze point data
rightvalidity The last validity score for right pupil gaze point data
hasleftfixation Indicates whether Inquisit has currently detected a fixation point from the eye tracker for the left eye
leftfixationpixelx The horizontal screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point of the left eye
leftfixationpixely The vertical screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point of the left eye
hasrightfixation Indicates whether Inquisit has detected a fixation point from the eye tracker for the right eye
rightfixationpixelx The horizontal screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point of the right eye
rightfixationpixely The vertical screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point of the right eye
hasfocusfixation Indicates whether Inquisit has currently detected a fixation point from the eye tracker for either or both eyes
focusfixationpixelx The horizontal screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point
focusfixationpixely The vertical screen coordinate of the most recently calculated fixation point


The columns attribute specifies the data values to be recorded to file and the column in which they are written. There are two types of columns that can be listed: 1) a reserved keyword representing a particular eye tracker data value, and 2) any property of any element defined in the script. The data values may be specified in any order. On each eye tracker mesage, Inquisit will write a single line of data consisting of each data value specified by the column. Columns will appear in the data file in the specified order.


The following records 10 columns to the data file:

/ columns=(date, time, groupid, subjectid, timestamp, leftpixelx, leftpixely, rightpixelx, rightpixely, leftvalidity, rightvalidity, values.totalearnings, values.dprime, script.elapsedtime)

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