up Inquisit Language Reference

anchorwidth attribute

The anchorwidth attribute specifies the width, in pixels, of each anchor on the Likert scale.

Member of


/ anchorwidth = width expression


width expression An number specifying the width of each anchor on the Likert scale in pixels (default), percent, or points.


The anchorwidth attribute controls the amount of space provided for the anchor labels, and thus the width of the entire scale. By default, the spacing between anchors is automatically computed as the minimum space required to display the anchor labels without overlapping them.


The following shows a five point Likert scale, the width of which affords 150 pixels to display each anchor:

<likert ratingquestion>
/ stimulusframes=[1=sometext]
/ anchors=[1="excellent"; 2="good"; 3="satisfactory"; 4="bad"; 5="awful"]
/ anchorwidth=150px

The following shows a five point Likert scale, the width of which affords 3% of the screen to display each anchor:

<likert ratingquestion>
/ stimulusframes=[1=sometext]
/ anchors=[1="excellent"; 2="good"; 3="satisfactory"; 4="bad"; 5="awful"]
/ anchorwidth=3%

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