Data Output

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Hi All,

I'm working on a Word-Dot probe and I'm having difficulties with the output data. Namely, I want to the outputted data to include which word are presented (not just the trial name) and the location of the probe (vertical coordinates are sufficient). I've attached my script below in lieu of pasting it in this post.


Word DotProbe_A.exp (404 views, 17.00 KB)
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Jin - Thursday, November 2, 2017
Hi All,

I'm working on a Word-Dot probe and I'm having difficulties with the output data. Namely, I want to the outputted data to include which word are presented (not just the trial name) and the location of the probe (vertical coordinates are sufficient). I've attached my script below in lieu of pasting it in this post.


Your trials display six stimuli:

<trial TBBL>
/ correctresponse = ("4")
/ validresponse = ("4", "6")
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation; 500=erasefixation, neutralT, threatB; 2000=erasewords, proberightL]
/ ontrialend  = [trial.TBBL.latency == 0]

The way stimulusitem, etc. columns work is that the 1st stimulusitem column captures information for the 1st stimulus displayed by the trial, the 2nd one for the 2nd stimulus displayed, and so forth. This is covered in the documentation for the /columns attribute:

"The first stimulusnumber specified in the columns attribute indicates that the item number of the first stimulus appearing on the current trial should be recorded. The second stimulusnumber indicates that the item number of the second stimulus presented on the trial should be recorded, and so on. If no 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. stimulus is presented on a given trial, a '0' is recorded.

Similarly, the first stimulusitem specified in the columns attribute indicates that the actual item presented by the first stimulus appearing on the current trial should be recorded. If the stimulus is <text> or <port>, the actual item is recorded. If the stimulus is a <sound>, <picture>, or <video>, the item’s filename is recorded. If the stimulus is a <shape>, the name of the shape is recorded. Like stimulusnumber, each successive stimulusitem records the item from each successive stimulus presented on the trial. If no 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. stimulus is presented on a given trial, a '0' is recorded."

You've only specified a single stimulusitem column, and thus you're only capturing information about the 1st stimulus displayed by your trials, "fixation".

/ columns = [date, time, subject, trialcode, blockcode, blocknum, trialnum, stimulusitem, latency, stimulusvpos, ...]

To capture data for the other stimuli, you need to add further stimulusitem and stimulusvpos columns.

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Thank you Dave. Is it possible for me to pick and choose which stimulus items to output or is it a "all or nothing" type of thing? Would using the summary data function be better?

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Jin - Thursday, November 2, 2017
Thank you Dave. Is it possible for me to pick and choose which stimulus items to output or is it a "all or nothing" type of thing? Would using the summary data function be better?

With stimulusitem, it's all or nothing. What you can do is store the information of interest in <values> entries /ontrialend and then just log those values to the data file by including them in the <data> element's /columns.

/ neutralword = ""
/ threatword = ""
/ probeposition = ""

<trial TBBL>
/ correctresponse = ("4")
/ validresponse = ("4", "6")
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation; 500=erasefixation, neutralT, threatB; 2000=erasewords, proberightL]
/ ontrialend = [
    values.neutralword = text.neutralT.currentitem;
    values.threatword = text.threatB.currentitem;
    values.probeposition = text.proberightL.vposition;


<trial TTTR>
/ correctresponse = ("6")
/ validresponse = ("4", "6")
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation; 500=erasefixation, neutralB, threatT; 2000=erasewords, probeleftR]
/ ontrialend = [
    values.neutralword = text.neutralB.currentitem;
    values.threatword = text.threatT.currentitem;
    values.probeposition = text.probeleftR.vposition;


/ columns = [date, time, subject, trialcode, blockcode, blocknum, trialnum, values.neutralword, values.threatword, values.probeposition, latency, response, ...]

<summarydata> only captures a single line of summary data, so this is not what you want.

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Thanks Dave!


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