Stroop Task
FREE for use with an Inquisit Lab or Inquisit Web license.Available Test Forms
Alcohol Stroop Task - Keyboard
The Alcohol Stroop Task using keyboard input as created by Bauer & Cox (1998).
Duration: 12 minutes
Alcohol Stroop Task - Verbal
The Alcohol Stroop Task using voice input as created by Bauer & Cox (1998).
Duration: 12 minutes
Auditory Stroop Task (Acoustic Dimensions)
This implements an Auditory Stroop designed by Morgan & Brandt (1989) in which respondents judge acoustic properties (pitch, loudness, duration) of auditory stimuli.
Duration: 35 minutes
Auditory Stroop Task (Gender)
This implements an Auditory Stroop designed by Green & Barber (1981) in which respondents judge the gender of the speaker for auditory stimuli.
Duration: 8 minutes
Color Word Stroop with Keyboard Responding
English version of the color word stroop task using keyboard input.
Duration: 3 minutes
Color Word Stroop with Speech Recognition
This sample runs a Stroop task with in which participants verbally name the color of the words as in the original version of the task.
Duration: 3 minutes
Color Word Stroop with Voice Recording
The Stroop color naming task using recorded verbal responses.
Duration: 3 minutes
Emotional Stroop Task With Keyboard Responses
The emotional stroop task described by Smith & Waterman (2003) using manual keyboard responding.
Duration: 5 minutes
Emotional Stroop Task With Verbal Resonding
The emotional stroop task described by Smith & Waterman (2003) using recorded verbal responding.
Duration: 5 minutes
Emotional Stroop Test - ABCD Consortium - Keyboard Input
The emotiona stroop task for adolescents used in the ABCD Consortium's longitudinal study on cognitive development from childhood to early adulthood.
Duration: 10 minutes
Emotional Stroop Test - ABCD Consortium - Touch Input on ipads (in person testing)
The emotiona stroop task for adolescents used in the ABCD Consortium's longitudinal study on cognitive development from childhood to early adulthood.
Duration: 10 minutes
Emotional Stroop Test - ABCD Consortium - Touch Input on smartphones (remote testing)
The emotional stroop task for adolescents used in the ABCD Consortium's longitudinal study on cognitive development from childhood to early adulthood.
Duration: 10 minutes
Food Stroop (Keyboard)
The Food Stroop Task for measuring interference of food-related words on the peformance of a Stroop task. Thanks to Dr. Elissa Epel and Nana Lea O’Donnell at UCSF for providing the stimuli and guidance on this procedure. This version uses keyboard responding.
Duration: 5 minutes
Food Stroop (Verbal)
The Food Stroop Task for measuring interference of food-related words on the peformance of a Stroop task. Thanks to Dr. Elissa Epel and Nana Lea O’Donnell at UCSF for providing the stimuli and guidance on this procedure. This version uses verbal responding.
Duration: 8 minutes
Fruit Stroop
Implementation of the Fruit Stroop (Okuzumi et al, 2015), a test to investigate selective attention and response inhibition. This script uses 4 fruits/vegetables (4 colors) instead of three.
Duration: 5 minutes

Stroop, J, R. (1935). Studies of interference in serial verbal reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18, 643-662.
Jensen, A. R., Rohwer, W. D. (1966). The Stroop color-word test: a review. Acta psychologica, 25, 36–93.
Golden, C. J. (1978). Stroop Color and Word Test: A Manual for Clinical and Experimental Uses. Chicago, Illinois: Skoelting. pp. 1–32.
MacLeod C.M. (1991). Half a century of research on the Stroop effect: an integrative review. Psychological Bulletin, 109, 163–203.