Approach Avoidance Task (AAT)
FREE for use with an Inquisit Lab or Inquisit Web license.Available Test Forms
Approach Avoidance Task (gamepad version)
The approach avoidance task as a measure of implicit attitude towards alcohol as described in Wiers et al 2009. These scripts use a gamepad.
Approach Avoidance Task (joystick version)
The approach avoidance task as a measure of implicit attitude towards alcohol as described in Wiers et al 2009. These scripts use a joystick.
Approach Avoidance Task (keyboard version)
The approach avoidance task as described in Wiers et al 2009 using the keyboard
Approach Avoidance Task (mouse version)
The approach avoidance task as described in Wiers et al 2009 using the mouse

Chen, M., & Bargh, J. A. (1999). Consequences of automatic evaluation: Immediate behavioral predispositions to approach or avoid the stimulus. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 215-224.
Marsh, A. A., Kleck, R., E., & Ambady, N. (2005. The effects of fear and anger facial expressions on approach- and avoidance-related behaviors. Emotion, 5, 119-124.
Wiers R. W., Rinck M., Dictus M., & van den Wildenberg E.(2009) Relatively strong automatic appetitive action-tendencies in male carriers of the OPRM1 G-allele. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 8, 101-106.
Wiers, R. W., Rinck, M., Kordts, R., Houben, K., & Strack, F. (2010). Re-training automatic action-tendencies to approach alcohol in hazardous drinkers. Addiction, 105, 279–287.